Lisa: OUCH!!! She was hopping in pain. Why did you do that?

Irene: Serves you right!!! Wait! Why did you change classes?!  And you didn't even tell me! Did you know that I had to sit with a guy who kept on staring at me for a freaking one and a half hour?! DID YOU KNOW HOW CREEPY IS THAT?!

"Why she is so mad at me? I didn't do anything to her! But why she is so cute while being mad? " Lisa said to herself.

Irene: And why are you smiling?!

Lisa didn't even realize that she was already smiling, she finds it so adorable how Irene just let out her frustration and Lisa found out the hard way that the person she love is a little bit sadist.

Lisa: I wasn't. She lied

Irene: I don't care about your life! Argh!!! I hate you!!!

Irene turn back and left, she can feel her tears falling while walking away from Lisa. It was just hurting her badly. Knowing that finally she admitted to herself that she's in love with Lisa the moment she saw her. That stiff like soldier who almost bump into her, the stiff like soldier who gave her a 50:50 smile but can melt your heart when her true smile appears, that stiff like soldier who disregarded her own safety just to save her from the wolves that chasing her. She is in love with Lisa, that was the truth.

Lisa on the other hand left cold, how i struck her hearing those words from Irene. The word hate pierce he heart and should. Knowing the girl she loves hates her, hate a feel intense or passionate dislike to someone. Irene hates her.

Irene was staring blankly where Irene took off, her cheek still sting and hdr heart was breaking. She then felt someone tap her shoulder, it was none other than Jennie.

Jennie: Hey... I'm sorry for her action, she is really like that. A little bit unkind but she is a good person. Hehe. She smiled at Lisa

Lisa just smiled at Jennie.

Jennie: My God... Little Irene is really stressful... She didn't even say goodbye to me. Wait, I heard that you changed your schedule. Why? Does that means that the two of you will not be classmates anymore?

Lisa: It was conflicting with other subjects.

Jennie: Hmmm... That's why. I think you should go after her and tell her that, or else she will just be grumpy to you always. Hehehe

Lisa: I will just look for her later, let's first finish what Jisoo asked us to do.

Jennie smiled sheepishly when Lisa decided to stay, she got a hint because she was listening to them earlier. She's not naive on how a girl acts if she likes someone because she already experience it already. She knows that Irene likes Lisa, but Jennie was confident because one, Irene have Seulgi and there is no way she would let go of her, she's practically crazy about Seulgi. Two, Lisa does not like her, the way Lisa acts cold towards her and three, Lisa and her already kissed it only show that Lisa likes her. Maybe not yet love but she's thinking Lisa will fall for her.


Irene decided to head back to campus and was wiping her tears away, she wanted comfort, someone to talk to but, her friends had already went home and her driver is not yet here. She decided to go to the gym where Seulgi and her friends are currently training. When she went inside the gym almost all the men was starstruck seeing the Goddess Irene Bae visited them, some even flex their muscle just showing it off to Irene which Irene didn't even mind at all.

She search for a familiar facr, and finally she saw Joy lifting weights she immediately approach her.

Irene: Joy?

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