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Nina sipped on her Mocha Latte, which she made herself, as she typed in Google's web address. She was looking at ways to get back at Nick. She hated how happy he looked with her sister. She scrolled through sites telling her what they thought she should do about her philandering husband.

She sighed and slammed the laptop shut. She tossed it beside her on the couch and took another sip of her coffee. All the things they were telling her to do weren't good enough. She wanted to hurt Nick in the worst possible way.

Tristan's face came to mind, and she smiled. Her stomach lurched when she thought about how he stood close to her in the conference room. She shook her head and laughed out loud.

"I must be losing it," she said.

Another idea popped into her head. She thought about fooling around with Tristan to make Nick jealous. Seeing the two of them together would surely piss him off. Nick and Tristan had been friends since their teens. Nina doing anything with Tristan would definitely hurt Nick.

Nina smiled at the thought of seeing Nick get jealous. Her grin instantly faltered when she thought of how to get Tristan to actually date her. Tristan seemed too loyal to Nick to ever betray him like that. Tristan was still a man though. If Nina seduced him he would give in to her.

She would put her plan to work tomorrow morning.


"Tristan! Really, you're going after him?"Trisha asked.

Nina removed the cell phone from her ear an inch. "Can you possibly get any louder?"

"Yes, I can."

Nina imagined Trisha with a hand on her hip, while rolling her neck.

"I'm only doing it to make Nick jealous," Nina said, as she applied a rose-colored lipstick.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. You could ruin a good friendship."

Nina shrugged. "I'm willing to take that risk."

"I wish I could talk you out of it, but it seems like you've already made up your mind."

"I have. Don't worry I'll be careful," she said, as she grabbed her car keys.

"Call me later and tell me what happened."

"I will. Bye."

Nina hung up the phone and started the engine. She put her seat belt on and checked her mirrors. She inhaled and exhaled. She thought of ways to seduce Tristan.

"You can do this," she said.

Thirty minutes later, Nina was rushing through the doors of her employment. No matter how early she left the house, she always found herself being late. She cursed when she saw Tristan standing by her desk. He had a deep frown spread across his features.

When his eyes landed on hers, his glare made her inhale sharply. Nina trudged along to her desk and stopped a foot away from Tristan.

"I'm sorry I'm late-"

Tristan held his hand up. "My office now."

Nina followed behind Tristan watching how his stride oozed confidence. Once they were in his office she closed the door behind them. She watched as Tristan leaned his body against the desk and crossed his arms.

Nina knew this posture. She figured she was about to get chewed out again for not being on time.

"Have a seat," Tristan said. His tone of voice was surprisingly calm.

"I'm fine standing up."

"Why do you come to work?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"What makes you get up and come to work every morning?"

Nina stepped closer. "I love my job."

Tristan scoffed. "Do you?"

"Of course," Nina said, through clenched teeth.

Tristan stood up closing the distance between them. "If that's the case, why do you come in late to work every day?"

"It's not intentional."

"Should I start picking you up?"

Nina frowned. Smartass!

"It won't happen again."

"You said that last week. If it happens again, we're going to have to let you go," he said.


"Get it together or you're not going to have a job any time soon."


"You're dismissed." He motioned his hand back and forth, shooing her away.

"Ass-hole," she said, under her breath.

"What was that?" he asked, his face inched closer.

The smell of his cologne and his face so close to hers, made her knees buckle. She continued to stare into his hazel eyes as he did hers. The only thing that broke their trance was a knock at the door.

Tristan straightened to his full height, while Nina tried to come back to her senses. She bypassed the secretary in a rush. She needed some air. The closeness of Tristan stirred something inside her that she was not ready for.


So far the plan was not looking good. How was she supposed to get him to do anything with her? He genuinely seemed to despise her.

As soon as five o'clock hit, she was out the door. She said goodbye to her colleagues and hurried towards her car. She started her engine but only heard a clicking sound.

"Oh come on!" She said. She tried again but she heard the same noise.

Nina groaned and slapped her hand against the steering wheel. A few seconds later she heard a knock against her window. She turned her head and saw Tristan. She rolled her window down.

"Having car problems?" he asked.

"My car won't start."

"Should I try it for you?"

"Sure." Nina stepped out of the vehicle, so Tristan could see what the issue was.

Tristan turned the ignition and the same sound was heard. "It's just your battery."

"That's it?" Nina asked.

"Yeah, all you need is to charge it up."

Tristan stepped out of the car towering over her.

"I can give you a jump," he said.

Tristan jumped her car and made sure it was running again. A sigh of relief escaped Nina once she heard the engine purr to life.

Nina cleared her throat. "Thanks, for the help."

"No problem."

Tristan turned to walk away.

"Tristan, wait."

Tristan turned around and stared her down.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

He smiled. "I could eat.


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