Chapter 22 - The Heart of a Chief and the Soul of a Dragon

Start from the beginning

"Wait!" called Hiccup again, stepping out from behind the tree.

The older boy widened his eyes, turned, and ran.

Hiccup chased after him, not as fast as he would of liked. He didn't stop though, somewhat determined to talk to this strange boy.

Hiccup bursted out from the line of trees, and saw the red headed boy run towards the cliffs.

"WAIT! DONT!" called Hiccup, trying to warn the boy.

He jumped off.

Hiccup just made it to the edge to see the boy dive into the water like some sort of professional. The waves of the sea crashed against the cliffs, and Hiccup stared wide eyed down at the water as the boy did not surface.

But Hiccup saw red, and the boys head popped out from the water. At first, the two just stared into each other's eyes, and neither really did or say anything.

"Who are you!?" called Hiccup over the waves as they crashed against the rocks.

The boy looked behind him, out to sea, before back to Hiccup.

"A friend" he said with a smile, before he dived back under the waves.


I sit up, rubbing my forehead.

Memories. Again.

Why now though?

I look around the room, and I realise I'm on the couch. Quietly, I stand and head up the stairs to my room. I open the door to my room, sneaking inside before laying down on my bed, but I do not sleep.

There's too much running through my head.



I slowly open my eyes, and I realise I'm in my room, laying on my bed.


Groaning, I sit up and I look around, my gaze landing on Hiccup as he sits on his bed, looking at me.

The events of last night come rushing back to me like a tidal wave.

He kissed me.


Then I passed out. So he must of carried me back home, and put me back in bed.

Ugh, why does he have to be so nice?

"You feeling okay?" he asks softly.



"No" I say truthfully. "I am definitely not okay."

"W-What's...what's wrong?"

I stare at him, wide eyes, with the oh-are-you-frikin-kidding-me! look.

"Are you serious?" I gape.

He bites down on his lips, not looking too sure. He opens his mouth to say something, but I put my hand up to stop him.

"No. Don't say it. I don't want to hear anymore of your insanity."

He groans. "I'm not--"

"You are Hiccup" I spit. "You are insane at the moment. You have a beautiful, five star Astrid, and then you decide to kiss the freak with the...."

My eyes widen.

He knows.

He knows I have dragon wings and a tail. He knows I'm not normal. He knows I'm a freak.

We are one - HTTYD FanFic (The We Are Series) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now