Chapter 8

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Maybe sometimes the hardest decisions we have to make are the ones God wants us to make ourselves.
                             — Unknown

Scrolling through the attendance list of her class, Dora's eyes stalled on one name.

Aramide Amanda Marcello-Adio.

The name invoked a memory and her mind flew to the meeting of a few days ago at the shopping mall.

How it all came to an end made Dora reel in surprise and bewilderment.


"I would like for you to be Mide's home tutor."

Those words rang in her head and she stared in shock at the young woman across her.

There was nothing wrong with being Mide's tutor. But being her home tutor meant she had to go to their house.

A house where Gerald resided.

A lump formed in her throat and nausea washed over her as various thoughts ran through her mind.

The group was consumed in deafening silence.

The look of apprehension and discomfort she saw on the faces of the people around the table jolted her into action.

She struggled to find her words to put them out of misery.

Finally, the fog in her head cleared. She shifted in her seat and clasped her hands.

"I thank you for the offer." She made eye contact with Eleanor and swallowed. "But I would please like to think about it before I give a definite answer."

She watched Eleanor's shoulders visibly relax. And she felt the tension that loomed over the table slip away.

"Ahh, there is no problem with that." Eleanor smiled. "But I have a little request." She gave a sheepish grin.

"Please go ahead!" Dora smiled in encouragement.

"Um. . .please could you give us your answer by the end of this week?" A pleading look crossed her face. "We would like to make other arrangements just in case you decline."

Dora smiled. "That's no problem."

"Thank you so much!" Eleanor reciprocated her smile.

With that sorted out, the waiter appeared with the bill and it was paid by the man who was confirmed to Mide's father.

After the payment of the bill, the group rose and sauntered out of the restaurant.

At the exit of the mall, Dora bid them farewell and wandered off in the opposite direction.

However, one question followed them to their respective destination.

What would her answer be?

           %%End of flashback%%

Dora heaved a sigh as she came back to reality.

With just three days left before the end of the week, a decision had to be made.

Dora's brows furrowed as she mentally listed the pros and cons of saying yes or no.

A part of her wanted to say yes but something stalled her.

The repeated picture of Gerald in her mind increased the height of her fear and doubt.

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