"Look I'm all talk. Obviously part of this bothers me too. I'm just going with it because of our circumstances."

Alyssa was saddened at his confession and taken aback. She nodded in understanding.

"I should head back. There is somewhere I need to go."

"I'll see you around yeah?"

"Yes. Lovely to see a familiar face always." They both waved their hands as she turned to head back. Distracted by the sights once more she bumped into someone.


"I'm sorry."

She recognized that voice, looking up she saw it was from Blaze.



"Heading to the infirmary?"


"Do you know where it is?"

"I haven't exactly toured the whole ship yet."

"I will take you. Follow me." He gestured her to follow him.

She stood next to him as they walked. She couldn't help but want to break the silence.

"Look about what I said-"

"You're rejecting me." He interrupts.

She felt horrible thinking how he must feel.

"I need to wait and see what happens, you know?"

He nodded. She wondered why it couldn't have been him she was paired with initially. 

But she wasn't also desperate to give herself to another Helian as she had just done it for the first time hours ago.

"Are you going back to his quarters?" He eyed her curiously.

"He's mistaken if he thinks I'm going there anytime soon."

"Thats going to be hard... more for you."


"Because of the serum your kind was given."

"Come again?"

"You will want to mate with him even more the closer you remain to him. It will drive you both crazy."

"I need to go through that again?" She hated the idea.

He pursed his lips and nodded.

"Its an amplifier of what our kind feels when they bond with someone from our same species. We call it the haze. It's injected into your bloodstream."

"Why did they make us think we can switch partners."

"It works out better for humans that reject their first paring. Like mine did with me."

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter." He shook his head. 

She didn't want to press the topic. She realized they reached the infirmary as he opened the door for her.

She went inside and noticed she was alone. "Aren't you coming inside?"

"Only mated couples can be there together."


"Last door to the right."


"I'll see you later."

"Thank you, General Blaze." They both smiled to each other and she turned around to continue to walk down the hall. Boman was already inside with the doctor.

"Wife." He turned stiff as she went inside.

"I'd like to do this alone please."

"I'm not going anywhere."

The doctor was a woman. "Hi, I'm Ada one of the healers."

"When was the last time you were both intimate?"

"Around 12 hours ago."

"Then we should be able to tell. Please lie down." Alyssa did as she was told as Boman sat down in a chair next to her. The doctor pulled a device and scanned her belly. "This will not hurt," she assured.

On a screen on the wall, they could see her insides quite in a literal way.

"This is just a physical exam to check you out and see how the serum is working."

"Okay." She held a breath not knowing what to expect.

"This will feel hot and then cold." Ada added as she clicked a button in the same device and a white cream filled its bottom. She passed it over her belly and as she did the image showed closer the inside of her reproductive organ.

"It seems congratulations are in order."

"A baby?" Boman said hopefully.

"Yes, twins."

"WHAT?" Alyssa's jaw dropped immediately.

"I will give you both some time. I'll be outside."

"Alyssa, you can't leave me. Now more than ever I need you."

"Do you honestly think I can be with you after what happened tonight?"

"I can't give you the answers you seek, not yet. There are things you can't know for your own protection and mine."

"I don't care about your excuses. You married someone before me thus our marriage is not real."

He raises his hand gesturing for her to stop talking.

"What part of I couldn't tell you is so hard to  understand?" He shook both his hands forcibly.

"You might be into incest but back on Earth that is frowned upon."

"You wouldn't understand. You should just know I'm with you now, not with her. I don't want her Alyssa. What she and I had died long ago."

"So you're not married?" She said sarcastically.

"We used to be but that is in the past. I can only speak for the man I am now, not back then."

Alyssa let out a relieved sigh she didn't even know she was holding.

"Give me a chance to prove myself and then decide." He leaned in closer and tugged her hair behind her ear. "You can't run off jumping into conclusions based on the things you hear." He cupped her face. This softened her and her eyes teared up.

"I don't know if I can handle Calypso's attacks. I can't handle more stressful circumstances, while pregnant even more so."

"I will deal with her. Give me a few days."

"Fine. But If I decide to go with anyone else, you will let me go?"

"I cannot but I will give you the next few weeks to think about it. I need someone steady to give me children and you've proven you might be able do just that. Let's keep our promise and take it from there."

"Fair enough." As she said the words he didn't wait any longer to place his lips in hers.

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