"If you know what happened to him, then you must have also known that he deserved it for what he did." Bane spits. "You are just like him."

"So, you are going to kill me?" Derek asks, more like a challenge. He smirks as he says that. I cringe internally. Why does the concept of death and war put him in a happy place? What is wrong with him?

"You are dead the minute I got to know that you have Alika."

"Oh, that's just a small piece of mu revenge. I had a lot of work cut out for this one." He says nodding his head at me. Bane growls as I grit my teeth. "She was my new toy you know. I don't like it when my toys are stolen." He says the last part looking at Josh. If he could get his hands on Josh, he will kill him. Derek looks back at Bane. "I will get her back."

"Over my dead body." Bane sneers.

"Gladly." Derek grins creepily. "But, what's the point of killing you and getting her. The whole point of getting her is to torture you." Derek looks like he is thinking. What the fuck is he even saying? "Nah. I want you alive and I want you rotting in my dungeons as you see me torture her every day. Now that's fun."

"In your dreams!" I nearly scream.

Derek chuckles looking at me. "Oh, it will happen. I will make you scream in ways-"

That was Bane's last strike. He turned into his wolf in a split second and so does the pack members. I try to change into my wolf but I am still not able to connect with her. With the amount of Resistor he gave me, it will take time for me to connect with her again. Derek and his pack change into wolves too and I just stand there with my back straight in my human form, ready to fight.

Bane howls loudly and the pack members follow. I touch his fur and clutch it for a second before letting go. I look back at Derek. They are ready to attack. Cold breeze passes through us.

It's war now.

Bane looks at me. I don't know if we will make through his war, but I smile knowing that I have seen Bane. Before I know it, I feel being pushed back by a wolf and I squeal. I am top of a wolf and who is running back as all the wolves are running towards Derek. I look over my shoulder and see Bane growling loudly before charging and the pack follows.

"No! Let me down. I have to go to Bane." I shout at the wolf carrying me. It must be Bane. He must have told someone from the pack to take me away. I see five another wolves running behind us at a close distance. They are running as fast as they can.

Oh Bane.

I see a wolf with Robby on top. That must be Josh. He is just few feet behind us. The wolf that's carrying me is running as fast as he can. His paws thud the floor and I feel the cold breeze again. I feel tired, but I try to keep my eyes open.

I hear growls behind and see that two of our wolves are fighting some rouge wolves. They are catching up. I hear the sound of growls, bones snapping, sneering and howling. I think of Bane.

Is he alright? Did Derek hurt him? Please be okay.

I feel my vision getting dark. It's been a while since I had had water or any food. With all the blood loss and stress, by body is exhausted and it's about to give out. I might faint any minute now. I can't lose consciousness in this situation. I try to pull myself together.

Come on, Anna! You can do it for Bane!

I look at Josh's wolf. He is running just behind us. The two wolves that were fighting the rogues are now behind us as well.

The wolves keep running for a while. The cold wind is the only thing keeping me up.

"Water." The word leaves my mouth before I even think of saying it out loud. "I need water." It comes out as a whisper. Just like that, I was out like a light. The last thread of consciousness left me and I don't know what happened next.

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