She looked at her hands with wide eyes and a wide smile. "Wow, that's even better! More fingers! I'll be moving onto toes in no time!"

I pat her head. "Correct, princess."

She then started to frown at me and I was unsure why until she started speaking again. "Sarah won't play with me. She keeps saying she's too busy to play dress up so no one can be the other princess. Can you be the other princess?"

She gave me puppy dog eyes but I managed to resist. "I'm so sorry, but I have to get ready. I'm hanging out with my friends tonight." I brushed a stray hair behind her ears that followed her small pigtails. "But, I'll try and convince Sarah to play with you, okay?"

She squealed excitedly. "Thank you so so much Blakey! This is why you're my favourite sibling!"

I covered my mouth and leaned closer to her ear to whisper. "And that's why you're my favourite sibling too."

Her smile widened an incredible amount and she jumped up and down giving me another tight hug until sprinting off into her room. I walked down the hall and knocked on Sarah's door.

"Go away!"

"Sarah. Let me in."

"Fuck no. Leave me alone I'm watching Finding Dory."

I sighed. "I'll pay you ten bucks if you let me in and play with Rosie."

I heard muffled noises and something loud drop which shook the house. But apart from that, I couldn't hear anything since the door was shut tight, until it opened wide. "Where's the money, dickhead?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a ten dollar note from deep inside my pocket and placed it gently into her hand. She snatched it aggressively and shoved it into one of the pockets of her grey sweatpants before walking past me and into Rosie's room. I could then hear Sarah talking and then Rosie screaming in excitement. At least I hope it was excitement.

I continued to walk down the hall into my room and then opened my closet. I scanned the different clothes, trying to figure out what to wear. I eventually decided on a green jumper with 'Los Angeles' written on the front and 'California' written under it smaller, and my blue jeans I wore on Monday that were freshly washed yesterday.

I grabbed my house keys and phone before quickly shoving them deep inside my back pocket. Sarah and Rosie were still playing dress up or whatever so I decided to quickly sneak out the front door.


The night sky was aglow with bright city lights with the occasional barking of faraway dogs that broke the silence of the night. I felt the wind brush against my cheeks as I neared the bright red sign that flashed 'Nando's'. I was finally here. I got kind of lost on the way so it was currently 6:35PM - I was running 5 minutes late.

As I entered, the bell above me jingled and I saw the heads of Iris and Sofie pop up. They both had a gentle, welcoming smile spread across their faces. I smiled back and walked over to them, taking a seat.

"Sorry I'm late." I apologised whilst brushing a hand through my hair. "Sarah and Rosie weren't getting along."

Iris laughed whilst Sofie gave me a confused, slightly disappointed look. "Who's Sarah and Rosie?"

missing piece  ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant