Chapter 3 - The Woods

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Dedicated to: Marceline_rocks and @dank_feels

—Meanwhile at the woods—

"So what did you want to show me?"Pacifica asked
"Oh,umm it's a just follow me"Dipper said nervous
"Are you sure we won't get lost because my parents won't like it if I'm hanging out with you"Pacifica said
"No,I've got my journal"Dipper said opening his journal.
"That dumb book didn't save us last time if you remember"Pacifica said
"It's not dumb it's confusing"Dipper said
"Yea right like I'm going to believe that"Pacifica said with ignorance.
"If your gonna complain so much why did you came here in the first place?"Dipper asked mad.
"Well I-"She said was cut off when they heard a mysterious sound.
"Come stay here next to me"Dipper said
"Ok,but shouldn't we be running?"Pacifica said
"You know what I think that's the best thing to do right now,run!"Dipper said
They both ran and ran threw the woods without even knowing where they where going.

The thing is this is that soon they will find out what the mysterious sound was.

"Dipper where are we?"Pacifica asked scared
"Uhh I don't know I can't find the map"Dipper flipped rapidly three the pages of his journal but there was no sign of the map.
Maybe they'd dropped it earlier.
"See I told you it was dumb"
"It's not dumb it's confusing"
"Ok,but wait up I can't keep up"Pacifica said
"Here hold my hand"Dipper said
Dipper felt strange when he held Pacifica's hand he had never felt that before...
Dipper stopped
"Dipper why did we stop?"Pacifica asked terrified holding Dipper's hand.
"We have no where else to go"Dipper said
"What?!?!But there must be a way"Pacifica said shocked
"If there is I don't know where it is"Dipper said searching for the map.
They heard the sound even closer...
"Dipper hurry up I don't want to get eaten by monsters or whatever they want to do with us"Pacifica said
"We are not going to get eaten by monsters Pacifica I'm going to save me,I mean us"Dipper said holding out the map.
"Yay you found it!"Pacifica cheered
"Now where is it,oh it's here follow me"Dipper said walking.
"Dipper is this seriously the right way back"Pacifica asked
"It may not be the way back to the Mystery Shack but it might be the way to a refuge"Dipper said
"But Dipper-"She was cut off again by the terrifying sound that had been following them for a long time.
-"Yep refuge sounds better"Pacifica said
"Then come hurry!"Dipper yelled taking Pacifica to the closest and safest place.
"Here we are the refuge"Dipper said
"Umm you mean a cave"Pacifica said
"Well it says here it's the safest place around"Dipper said
"There is no way I'm staying in a cave"Pacifica doubted
"Pacifica do you prefer to be captured or be safe here with me until we figure out a way to get back"Dipper said
"Well genius we don't have food or water"Pacifica doubted again.
"Who says we don't it's a cave it may have an underground river"Dipper said
"And the food?"Pacifica asked
"We'll figure it out"Dipper said
"Ugh fine"Pacifica said mad but as soon as she saw Dipper's face she turned that frown upside down.
They went inside the cave...
"Whoa!"They gasped
"Ahh!"Pacifica yelled when she saw a centipedes.
"What's wrong?!?!"Dipper asked
"This place is totally wrong"Pacifica answered
"Well do you prefer to die or live?"Dipper said
"Obviously live but not like this"Pacifica said
"Ugh"Dipper groaned
"What's your problem?"Pacifica asked rudely
"You are the problem,you are so fancy and bothering you can't even settle in this cave,I can't believe you don't trust me"Dipper answered mad
I feel so bad I can't believe I hurted his feelings,I do trust him...
"Dipper?"Pacifica said
"What?"Dipper asked rudely
"I'm sorry I've ever made you mad or treated you bad,the truth is that...I like you"Pacifica said
"You mean all that?"Dipper said blushed
"I,I do"Pacifica said
"I do feel the same way for you"Dipper said
"Really?!?!"Pacifica cheered
"Yes,that was the reason of this trip,to get to know you better"Dipper said
"Soo this was a date?"Pacifica asked smiling
"Umm yea I guess soo"Dipper said
"Then it's the best first date ever!"Pacifica exclaimed hugging Dipper.
Dipper smiled and hugged back.
"Well that was..."Pacifica said
"Weird"Dipper said
"I would say amazing and awkward"Pacifica said
"I'll just set up the camp fire"Dipper said nervise
"Ok"Pacifica said
Dipper hitted ran over a stalagmite.
Pacifica giggled.
"I'm fine"Dipper said and went to get some fire wood.Pacifica sat down daydreaming,when...
"Whoa,whoa,whoa hold on a Northwest likes a Pines,no way"Bill appeared
"Ahh!!!"Pacifica yelled
"Ha!I love when they do that"Bill said
"What,who are you,how do you know me?"Pacifica asked scared
"I know everything"Bill said
"What do you want?"Pacifica asked rudely
"Whoa,whoa no time to get mad Northwest"Bill said
"Just talk"Pacifica said
"Ok,ok well I just need one little thing and then I will leave you alone"Bill said.
"And what is that?"She asked with fear.
"Stay away from the Pines family,specially your boyfriend"Bill said.
"What?!?!No I won't and he is not my boyfriend we just are just friends"Pacifica said mad
"Well if you don't stay away from him you are in danger"Bill said
"Of what?"Pacifica said
"Oh,you'll find out,soon"Bill said and left in a mysterious way.
"What?"Pacifica wondered
"Pacifica!"Dipper yelled
"I'm here!"She yelled back
"I got some fire wood from some bats,it wasn't easy to fight bats with a backpack"Dipper said
"Yea"Pacifica said
"Pacifica what's wrong?,is it the bats don't worry they won't be back"Dipper said
"No it's not the bats"Pacifica said
"Then what is it?"Dipper asked
"I don't know it seemed like some kind of vision,of a triangle telling me I'm danger"Pacifica said
"It was Bill!"Dipper said
"Bill?"Pacifica asked
"Yes,he is always ruining my life,what did he tell you"Dipper asked
"He said...I'm in danger if I don't get away from you and your family"Pacifica said
"But how can you be in danger I would never hurt you"Dipper wondered.
"I know and I would never hurt you either but what is it,isn't there something in your journal that could help us?"Pacifica asked
"Oh I can't read that book"Dipper said smiling
"What,why,is it the light?Why are you smiling?"Pacifica asked
"Because you said it was dumb"Dipper said
"I don't care if it's dumb maybe it will help us,please Dipper"Pacifica convinced.
"Oh,alright I guess it's not dumb anymore"Dipper said
"I never said that"Pacifica said and they laughed.
Dipper picked his journal he opened it and tried to find a page in the book that will help them.
"There's nothing here but gnomes,zombies,unicorns,flying pigs?"Dipper wondered searching on the book.
"There must be something in there"Pacifica said
"Well I found this"Dipper said getting closer to Pacifica so they could observe.They felt very weird...
"Strong love can destroy monsters with the child it can bring,mostly occurs on enemies that fall inlove.This love is not the strongest love but it is very strong and can destroy monsters and it can bring lots of happiness to the couple that possess this strong LOVE!"He screamed in shock when he was done reading.
"What does that mean?"Pacifica asked scared.
"Don't you get it,Bill wants us to be separated so we won't fall inlove and so we don't have..."Dipper stopped.
"A child?!?!"Pacifica screamed.
"He wants us to be separated but if we don't who knows what he will do"Dipper said
"Dipper I actually don't care"Pacifica said touching his arms.
"You do care,I,I can't lose you Pacifica"Dipper said and hugged her.
"You won't we will defeat him"Pacifica said
"How he can kill us and our families"Dipper said
"By one of the only things we have left"Pacifica said
"And what is that?"Dipper asked
"Our love and the child we can have in the future"Pacifica answered looking deeply into his eyes.
"You really want this child?"Dipper asked
"Yes I do but we will have to wait until we are older and get married"Pacifica said.
"Ok fine,but if it's a boy can he be named Tyrone?"Dipper asked
"Of course"Pacifica answered.
"Well let's get closer to the fire,oh and I brought plantain leaves so we could sleep on them"Dipper said
"Wow thanks"Pacifica said
-"Can tell you something?"Pacifica asked.
"Yea,sure anything just tell me"Dipper answered.
"Kiss me"Pacifica said when she went closer to Dipper's lips.
"Kiss what?"He asked when he rapidly touched Pacifica's red lips.
Hiding in the cave Bill was watching with anger and hate.
"I will destroy Pines,by the destroying 2 of the women that he loves"Bill said
-"You'll see Pines you'll be sorry for what you've done"Bill said
Meanwhile at the Mystery Shack...
"Mabel where's Dipper?"Grunkle Stan asked drinking Pit cola.
"He is in his dreams,wink wink"She answered winking and smiling in a very creepy way.
"I should better go rest"Grunkle Stan said and left.
"Now that I think about it Dipper is late,where is he?"Mabel said
-"We need to think Waddles"Mabel said
"Oink,oink"Waddles oinked.
"Nah maybe he is smooching already we should leave them alone"Mabel said.
At the cave...
Mabel was right they where smooching for like 5 minutes now.
"Wow"They said when they finally stopped.
"I think we should just go to sleep tomorrow we can continue the trip and kiss again I guess"Dipper said
"Yea I think that's good,unless you wanna continue?"Pacifica said
"We've been kissing for like 5 minutes,right?"Dipper said
"Right that's enought"Pacifica said
"Maybe one more"Pacifica said
"Yea one more"Dipper said and kissed Pacifica.Seriously dude stop!
"Ok,well see you tomorrow"Dipper said
"Goodnight Dipper"Pacifica said
"Goodnight...Pacifica"Dipper said sad because he missed Mabel.It was the first time he slept away from her.
At the Mystery Shack...
"Goodnight...Dipper"Mabel said sad as well.
"Goodnight...Mabel"He whispered when he was at the cave soo far away from his sister.
They had life changes all over them that day,but one question,what will happen next???

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