The One With The Two Brain Cells

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Aaa such a short chapter! I recently found out that my more organized notes are missing, so this chapter is a little spontaneous just because I wanted to post it asap, as yesterday marks the 4 year anniversary of this fic! I appreciate every single reader, and vote and comment! 
This story is far from done! I intend to see it through to the end! Thanks for putting up with me and my irregular posting🙏

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"Tell us about your dad," Undyne demanded, staring holes at the skeleton with her one good eye.
"Not talking to you. Shoo," Sans said and waved his clawed hand at Undyne in a dismissive gesture. "Still got nothing to say to you. I'm only talking to Alphys."
There was a twitch in Undyne's eye, her lips tightened into a thin line.

"Uh, maybe that's for the best..?" Alphys said as she knew Undyne well enough to tell that if she remained here, her annoyance would only grow. Sans seemed set on annoying her specifically. Or perhaps not, he was just being himself, but that was not optimal for Undyne. "You should get some rest. Or you could read the documents that we found..?" The lizard monster suggested, clicking the claws on her fingers together in an awkward way that she had seen anime protagonists do when they were shy.

Undyne scoffed. "Reading's for losers. I'm gonna rest up real good in case I have to fight later." With those words, she disappeared down the corridor. "Later, losers!"

Both the skeleton and the lizard cringed as a door was slammed shut.

"You sure pick 'em well," Sans told Alphys ironically.
"H-hey, there's nothing wrong with Undyne!" Alphys crossed her arms. Her brows creased and a pout spread on her features. Not that she could possibly never get mad with someone, least of all Sans who was her good friend, but she could make it seem as she was!
"Yeah sure, nothing wrong except for everything she does and everything she says. C'mon, Al, she the type with only two brain cells, both fighting against each other for third place."
"Clever. Sounds like you're jealous." Alphys always thought that Sans could stand to get some sass back every once in a while. Even now. Hopefully, it would make him feel more normal, even after everything that happened.
"Just looking out for you. Don't wanna let your bad taste make you unhappy in the end." The skeleton shrugged lightly.
"Oh, I know I got bad taste, we used to date remember?" She chuckled at him. The bickering was like a fresh breeze of air, in a heavy situation. It did them both well right now.
"Holy shit, I can't believe you remember that. Wouldn't call it dating though, we were just kids."
"Teenagers. The age where it all starts coming together... That must be why I developed bad taste. At least you look cooler now, but you're still a dork."
"You're the dork, you're just cocky cuz you're dating the jock!"

The two chuckled lightly, and for one precious moment, things didn't seem as serious anymore. The situation wasn't changed, however, and the problem that was Gaster and his whole legacy remained. Alphys, feeling as it was still her job to get the information they needed cleared her throat and went back to the heavy subject again.
"Anyway... Now that's it's been established that I'm dating an idiot," she said to humor him. "Uhm... if you wouldn't mind..?"

Sans raised a brow at her. "I do mind, but I got no choice, do I?" he asked, with a dry undertone, in contrast to the easy-going conversation they just had.
Alphys' nose wrinkled up, her face aimed down on the floor as she began fidgeting with her own claws. Sans could be heard sighing.
"Okay, relax. No biggie. Let's get it over with, yeah?" he quickly added.
"Yeah... uhm, so... first of all, you're not hurting anymore right now are you?"
"Nope. Don't feel anything right now."
I take it that this never really happened to you before, huh?"
"Not that I know," Sans replied and looked down on his fists, which he repeatedly clenched only to relax again, seemingly studying them as if he had never seen his own hands before.
"And your soul?"
"What about it?" The skeleton stopped moving at all. His gaze remained lowered.
"You feel off or anything right now?" Alphys asked, trying to find a good way of elaborating her question.
"I've been like this since I was a kid. For as long as I've known you, and-"
"Ah, y-yes, sorry! I mean... I don't know if you r-remember, but.. your soul broke, you a-almost died. For a moment you were down at 0 HP. But... yeah... you're still here."

The thought made Sans feel absolutely horrified, he didn't even know that was possible. "I... what? And no reset?" he blurted out, but the statement was left lingering and unexplored in the stale laboratory air, as the door that was just slammed shut, was slammed open again, by Papyrus. Sleep was still written behind his eyes. How could he look so tired and so worked up at the same time?


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