Here Comes The Thunder

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(Julius's P.O.V.)

After Dad got in the car and Vlad got his shit. Dad made sure Alex and Jamie came back with us. So now, I'm stuck in between two huge dudes with a busted up face. I honestly just can't wait to just go up to my room and lay the fuck down. Tonight was the first and last time I'll ever get involved in shit like this. 

"How you feeling kid?" Jamie asked me with a worried expression

"I'm good just... you know... Busted up" I said nodding my head a little.

 I wasn't lying when i say i looked busted up right now. I wish I was, my forehead is fucking swollen, my lip has a fucking open wound and I swear to God, I might plastic surgery soon.

"More like fucked up.. Hey Cas, You good?" Alex asked Cassie after sneaking a diss

But Cassie just kept her head down and stayed quiet. She's been like this since we got to the car, I know shes pissed as fuck right now because Dad didn't listen to her but I just hope she doesn't snap. 

(At the house)

After a long tense quiet ride with Cassie and Dad, we finally pulled up to the house. Cassie was the first to get out of the car, slamming the door behind her. Immediately Dad got out and went  after her, spinning her by her elbow. 

Once she turned, everyone got out of the car quickly as possible. Here comes the thunder.. just when I thought I was gonna get some sleep.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! " Dad shouted at her.

"Leave me alone!" she shouted back

"Cassie don't fucking start with me" 

"Start with you... Oh please Dad just admit you don't care. I'll never be good for you wouldn't I?" She asked with tears streaming down her face.

"Cas.." I said interrupting them.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You have no idea how he treats me. You're fucking perfect and Ghost is his fucking golden child, his right hand, his eyeball." she said before laughing, "And don't let me get started with Lyssa. That's his fucking princess, he'll change the world for her. I'm just the fuck up kid, NO ONE DOES WRONG BUT ME RIGHT? You don't give a fuck about me!"

"CASSIE, WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" He shouted, grabbing her roughly.

Shoving him, she removed herself from his grip, when footsteps approached us. Looking in the direction, it was Ghost walking towards the scene. 

"Look, it's your baby boy." she said pointing at Vlad, "Go praise him for his good job today Ceasar,"

"Victoria!" Ghost shouted trying to stop her.

But in no time, a loud smack echoed throughout courtyard. Dad hand was in the mid air and Cassie held her face.

We all looked at him in shook, this was the first time Dad ever laid his hand on her. Even when we were little, he always talked to her or yelled. Mom was the one to smack her not Dad. He treated her like a princess till she turned 14 that's when Cas started doing her down thing.

Glaring at him, she looked at us then back at him. Holding her face, she walked away and towards the front door. Before she could've held the handle, the door swung open.

Mom... Stopping in her tacks, she looked up at mom who was staring at all of us with tears running down her face, Cas bowed her head and started full on sobbing.

"All of you! Get in the fucking house!" She shouted

I looked at Vlad, who was staring me with fright in his eyes. One thing for sure, no matter how old we are or how tough we act.. when it comes to Mom.. even dad gets scared.

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