Chapter 10~ Sandstorm

Start from the beginning

"Jawhol, meine menschen und Rotter Rot will cover you! Over and out herr!" Markus says giving the order to the driver and he nods pushing the levers forward and the mighty beast lurches forward into the square coming under fire. Bullets are pinging everywhere and even the bazookas that are fired down range at them are barely even enough to make the metal horse, Markus and his crew that are riding in to flinch from the ordinance fired at them.

"50 yards bazooka crew, H.E. shell. Fire!" Markus yells watching the turret move over then aiming the tank fires and the shock blast rattles the hull shaking the crew inside. As the shell that was fired shrieks forward with a loud boom slamming into the building slaughtering the men inside and out on the streets that's within the blast radius. From there blood has leapt up in a fury of a explosive movement painting the walls and streets with gore and blood.

The Tiger tank or named by the crew as Ritter Rot (Red Knight) has reached the German defense after pulling into the square and backing up. Luckily for them the remaining men are finally loaded on as the Tiger kept everyones focus on the lumbering beast instead of the infantry.

The sandstorm has struck and finally the remaining Germans had made their way to the regroupment point 10 miles East towards the shore. Including Kristian and the platoon of Panzer Grenadiers have made it in time into the last truck as well.


Few minutes earlier

"Nein!!!" Ben yells quickly stepping forward but a rifle is leveled at him stops Ben in his tracks as Phillip swings and the German he targeted ducks and springs back up. In a series of quick jabs to the stomach and jaw the German beats up on Phillip before he finishes him bringing all his weight up as he bends down. Springing upwards the German uppercuts Phillip with all his might sending him crashing to the sandy floor blood slipping down his lips from the beating.

Before the German has a chance to kill Phillip with his drawn knife a whistle down the road blares and as Ben noticed. All the Germans here stopped what they where doing freezing as more whistles sound. After they glance at each other a soldier steps up helping Kristian to his feet and they leave quickly making their way down the road to the calls of the whistles.


Karl climbs into a buschwagon and a officer quickly puts the pedal to the medal following the tail lights of the convoy with Markus and his crew bring up the rear.

Back in town Ben is holding his wounded side and he makes his way over to Phillip that's lying unconscious on the ground. Fearing the worse but to double check he presses his fingers to Phillips neck searching for a heartbeat. Feeling for what he was after he sighs in relief and quickly he looks up hearing voices down the street.

The fellows with these accents are of Australian and quickly Ben calls out "I need help over here, Gerry got my squad leader. This is Corporal Ben Wellington." He says yelling down the street.

Confirming his suspicion the lot that quickly comes along are within the Desert rats of the Commonwealth force and there. A Lieutenant approaches with 8 of his subordinates in toe alert and on the ready just incase of another ambush that happened to them.

Ben looking up at the approaching men he waves and calls out "Germans knocked him out, we got into a scrap sir," he says standing up to salute.

Returning the salute and quickly taking a judgmental glance at him he speaks up"Gerries pulling out lad, that's the good thing. We'll help you and your mate here back to the field hospital and in return you help us look for wounded and collect the dead." The officer says as Ben agrees with a nod and he moves over to help him lift Phillip up.

Later in the morning light with the sandstorm slowly fading away after 3 hours of looking and retrieving most of the bodies that are lying dead have been recovered and the wounded. Have been brought back to the field hospital as well where they're currently being treated and where Phillip is with a minor jaw fracture.

Briskly walking a Major has been taking in the numbers of the dead and wounded making a estimate in the end and with that in mind he enters the commanding officers building 'office'. Heading up stairs past other high ranking officials the major knocks on the old wooden door leading into the makeshift office of the Brigadier General in charge of this half of the army.

With permission to enter the major turns the handle and walks in closing the door behind him then he salutes. Looking up the grumpy old looking Brig Gen nods saying "At ease Major."

With a tiresome sigh he looks up at the Major and nods. Standing the Major begins looking down at his clipboard.

"Alright sir, I got the death count if you want to hear it" He says watching and waiting until the General nods leaning forward in his chair to listen.

"Estimated casualties of 10,000 from her majesties army, along with 6,500 American lives where lost including 183 tanks sir. They may have retreated back, but they won this fight.... Estimated enemy losses are at 2,000 with 34 confirmed tank kills." The major says reading off the numbers of his clipboard then he stands at eased waiting for the Brig Gen to say or do something.

"2 miles worth in the Grand Dorsal chain and the Germans fought for every square inch of this hell hole, Mike. But at the price of a mile we lost that much?.... This was catastrophic from the beginning but now this was more like man slaughter on a large scale...." He says shaking his head in disbelief.

"With the successful counter attack, I'm sad to admit it. We've pushed Rommel and his boys to the shores, they're most likely going to pull out by sea and try to flee to Sicily." The middle aged man says mapping out the impending attack route with a pencil to the border where the last major sea port sits just south of Sicily.


That's the end of the chapter ladies and gents, hope you enjoyed it!:)

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A.P.H.E. ~ Armor piercing high explosive shell

H.E.- High explosive

Stay tuned for the next update coming up on Wednesday

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