[2] - Analogical - Spider

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Prompt 2: "It reminded me of you."

High school au, i guess theyre like 16?


The doorbell rang and Virgil hurried down the stairs, knowing exactly who was outside the door. He took a second to peek outside before opening the door anyway, just in case the person outside was not his boyfriend, because he was the only person Virgil wanted to socialize with.

He pulled the door open as soon as he saw his boyfriend outside on the porch, waiting for Virgil.

"Hey, L." He said, holding the door open for him as he entered.

"Greetings, Virgil." Logan said, pulling him in for a quick hug when his shoes were off and the door was closed.

"No one's home, but we can hang out in my room anyway." Virgil said, having actually cleaned his room a few days ago, so it looked pretty decent. And he would rather hang out with Logan in his own room, even if his parents knew they were dating.

It just felt kind of embarrassing to be with his boyfriend if his family was around. He wasn't sure why. It was his family that he felt embarrassed about, though, not Logan.

Virgil reached out to take Logan's hand, leading him up the stairs towards his room.

"Homework?" Virgil wondered, trying to not feel so flustered about holding his boyfriend's hand, and Logan nodded, letting himself be led by Virgil.

He made sure to close the door to his room, grabbing his backpack from the floor and sitting down on his bed as Logan sat down by Virgil's desk, always preferring a flat surface and to sit somewhere where Virgil couldn't distract him as easily as if he sat next to him on his bed.

(Apparently it was incredibly distracting when Virgil would wrap his arms around him and lean his head on his shoulder, Logan claimed. Virgil would probably tease him for being a disaster gay and seeing error codes at the slightest bit of affection if he didn't know exactly what Logan meant.)

"I'm guessing you've got math homework left?" Logan said, being completely right as Virgil had put off his math homework the whole week.

"Maybe I can just get an F? Doing all this homework every week doesn't seem worth it." He said, frowning, knowing very well Logan wouldn't have that. They had literally met because Virgil needed someone to tutor him last term.

"I'll help you." Was all Logan said, opening up his backpack and pulling out his math textbook, his notebook, and a bunch of pens. There was no use in resisting and Virgil got his own stuff out, flipping through the textbook to the page he was on.

"I need help with number fifty six." He said with a sigh, opening his notebook to find all his failed attempts at solving it from earlier today in maths class. He scribbled over some of his attempts with his pen, some being too embarrassingly wrong to show.

"Let me see." Logan said, coming over to Virgil's side and looking the problem over for a minute before showing Virgil how to solve it and walking him through the process as Virgil solved it himself. Logan would never completely do something for him, he always insisted on Virgil actually solving it himself.

He also always insisted that Virgil was actually really smart and capable of figuring it out on his own, he just 'needed a bit of guidance sometimes' and 'needed to believe in himself more'. Which Virgil didn't really believe at all as he'd never felt smart or capable in his life.

They studied together for an hour, helping each other when needed, Logan now and then asking for his help or his opinion when it came to his english and art homework, two classes that Logan hated almost as much as Virgil hated any other class than those two.

Logan lifted his backpack up into his lap again to look for a couple of papers that had to do with some homework he had, the backpack falling to the floor and spilling half its contents as he put his papers on the desk. Logan turned crimson, immediately reaching for a fluffy looking thing that had fallen out of the backpack. A stuffed toy?

"What's that?" He wondered, having to tease his boyfriend just a little, watching how Logan's face stayed red as he grasped the fluffy purple thing.

"It's nothing, it's- well, it's for you. I was going to give it to you later." He said, not meeting Virgil's eyes as he got up and handed the stuffed toy to Virgil who took it carefully, realizing how impossibly soft it felt against his hands as he turned it around only to realize it was a spider.

"I saw it and it reminded me of you." Logan said and Virgil looked up at him, smiling and probably looking just as red in the face as Logan did.

"I, um... Thank you." He said, hiding his face in the plush spider, feeling all kinds of in love in an overwhelming way, wondering if Logan had any idea how much this little gesture meant to him.

"I couldn't help myself when I saw it. I know how much you like spiders, and purple, and, well, it just seemed fitting." Logan said, his hands coming to straighten his tie that he always wore.

It didn't surprise Virgil much to realize Logan was nervous, neither of them were good at things like this (this being affection), but, damn it, this might have been the cutest thing someone had ever done for him.

"C'mere." He said, reaching out for Logan with one arm, making the grabby hand motion towards him, which had Logan soon stepping close enough for Virgil to wrap his arm around him and pull him onto his bed.

He leaned in and carefully pressed his lips to Logan's in a gentle kiss that hopefully somewhat conveyed his appreciation and a lot of other unspoken things.

Once they returned to their homework it took them a long time to stop blushing.


Written: 10th October 2021
Published: 19th October 2021
Words: 1002

Yeah, no self restraint. Got 5 of these finished lol

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