The morning light shone gently on my face, as the sweet sound of bells massaged my ears, accompanying my sweet awakening.

I felt light, serene, relieved.

After a night full of nightmares like the one I had passed, finding myself in my bed, waiting to taste the breakfast prepared by the golden hands of my dear mom was even more beautiful than usual.

Too bad I ruined everything by opening my eyes.

I was lying on the floor of the kitchen, with my back against the door. A few inches from my face were the charred remains of Danzo's letter, along with the match I had lit to read it.

Midnight... ?!

I felt myself pushed forward.

"Something is blocking the door!"

"It must be Choji. Push harder."

I quickly hid the remains of the letter in my hand and rolled to one side, to let Yori and Mistress Azumi in.

"G-good morning" I greeted them, while still sleepy I got to my feet. "I-I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to stay here, it's just... sleep, you know, I couldn't resist..."

"Silence." Mistress Azumi proceeded to examining the kitchen from top to bottom, poking her nose into every drawer and running a finger over every surface, then walked back in front of me.

After a few seconds, she smiled.

"You did a good job, Choji. Not perfect, but the effort you put into it shows that you have learnt the lesson, and you really care about living with us. Consider yourself pardoned!"

"R-really? I don't know what to say... Thank you, Mistress Azumi."

The woman put a hand on my shoulder in a maternal way.

"I'll personally take care of breaking the good news to your brothers and sisters, so that they too can forgive you right away. You're free to take a seat in the cafeteria."

That said, Mistress Azumi left the kitchen, while letting Miss Hiromi in.

After greeting me as usual, the woman flew to the cellar to get the ingredients for breakfast.

"Why the long face?" Yori pressed on, patting me on the back. "Not everyone can be forgiven by Mistress Azumi so quickly, you should be proud of it!"

"...huh? Sorry, Yori, but I'm still rather dazed to fully enjoy this triumph."

"I see..."

"Yori, darling, can you come for a second?" Miss Hiromi shouted at that moment from the cellar." There's a teeny tiny problem and I would need your help!"

"I'm coming! ...then you can go, Choji. Ah, can I have my apron back please?"

"What apron... Ah, right! I was almost getting used to it, eh eh!..."

And so Yori too disappeared downstairs, leaving me alone with of my thoughts.

I still couldn't believe it.

I already knew Counselor Danzo was not an easygoing guy, but I had still hoped that he could be understanding... if not towards me, at least to all the orphans who had nothing to do with the Masquerader...

Instead, at exactly midnight the patrolling ANBUs would invade the orphanage and exterminate all its guests without hesitation.

The criminal would be killed once and for all, but so would many innocent lives.

Masquerader Mystery - One Last Chance For Choji Akimichi (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now