As you see, Jungkook's husband is six months pregnant even though his baby bump is kinda small_ no it's not tiny, it's just small. And he is getting chubby like a puffy doll. His rosy cheeks got chubby, his pretty fingers got chubby and basically, his everything is cutely got chubby to the point that you just want to chew him and as the luckiest person in the world, that's what Jungkook did.

"Yah! Baby! Stop biting my cheeks! It hurts, you brainless dumb dummy!" Taehyung whined earning a set of giggles from his husband.

"Hahaha... but honey you look so delicious!... and you really is delicious..." Jungkook said purring out the last part seductively and drow his hand towards Taehyung's low area with a smirk only to get slapped away by his lovely husband.

"Yah! Stop it! Don't forget I'm pregnant now." Taehyung said and Jungkook let out a whiny sound with a pout.

"But honey, didn't the doctor said that we can do it till the last month???" Jungkook asked with his big doe eyes and deepen his pout.

"Still, it's a No. I don't wanna risk anything"

"But honeyyy_"

"Baby..." Taehyung said in a warning way and Jungkook huffed defend at that.

"Agh, fine fine." He grumbled and hugged his pluffy husband with a grumpy face but soon, it's turned into a 'lovesick fool' face again.

"Honey..." Jungkook called out lovingly.


"Did you think about a name for your baby's baby?" Hearing his husband's choice of words, Taehyung let out a breathy chuckle and looked up at his husband. Seriously? Isn't his big baby so cute? And it always like that. Jungkook never called their baby as 'their baby' or 'his baby'. He will always call them, "your baby's baby" or "honey's baby's baby". If they are out, then it will become 'my Taehyung's baby's baby'.

And for everyone, these sounds will be so adorable, cute and lovely. but the problem is, not every sugar-coated thing are sweet. And Taehyung very well knew what's the meaning of his husband's choice of words. And that is, Jungkook's dangerous possessiveness. By those cute names, Jungkook will always remind Taehyung who's he belongs to. And what's his first priority even before... their children. So the thing is, Jungkook is not as bright as you see or feel.

Jungkook took Taehyung's earlobe by his lips and nibbled on it as he waited for some list of cute names from his husband but a frown appeared on his face when he heard Taehyung's answer.

"Nope... not yet..." Taehyung replied slightly shaking his head.


"Because I want to see his or her face first." Hearing that, Jungkook made a tiny 'ohh' sound and mindlessly rubbed his husband's baby bump. No one knows how or when, but his right hand already sneaked in under Taehyung's shirt and his other hand disappearing into Taehyung's pants as it began to caress his soft thighs.

Taehyung's body didn't warn him either because it's all usual for him so he only sighed at the soft touch.

"You know... I can't wait till your baby's baby to pop out from your little tummy." A stupid grin ghosting on his face as he muttered those words softly and Taehyung's lips curved up to a permanent smile. He mumbled a tiny 'me too' and rose his head to give a soft peck on his husband's lips and again, he hid his face in Jungkook's neck as his eyelids began to feel heavy.

"I'm going to love them like there's no tomorrow..." Jungkook said and excitement was written on all over his face.

"I'm going to buy everything they want... I'm going to read stories for them at night... and play with them all the day... go picnics... and if it was a girl... I'm going to do shopping with her as much as she wants..." he rambled about his dreams with his children childishly and already planning to spoil them as much as he can. Nah... he will do more than he can.

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