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Her eyes immediately flickered open as she heard the sound of the door in her subconscious.
Taking a quick look around the well-arranged room, she took a very deep breath and drew her knees to her chest.

Tenioluwa Dennis who happened to be one of Ndidi's acquaintances was kind enough to let her spend a few days in her room instead.
After everything that happened two days ago, Ndidi couldn't muster up the courage to share the same room with Vivian or even look her in the eye. She couldn't even easily pride herself around the hostel like she used to because her encounter with frank went rather viral. All thanks to technology.

Her eyes watered as she reminisced on how everything happened in a very short time. She didn't know how to confront Vivian and the only person she would have run to, have decided to act like she doesn't exist. Slowly, her simple life was getting complicated day after day which is very exhausting.

Her ring tone 'Tutu by Alma Zarza' filled the air as she stood up from the bed to search for her phone. On finding it sitting on Teni's mini-fridge, she glanced at the caller ID. It was her mother calling.
She cleared her throat properly and swiped across the screen to answer the call.
"Hello, Mummy. Good morning." She started.

"Morning my beloved. How was your night." Her mum cooed from the other side of the phone.

"It was very okay." She lied and sat on the plastic table just beside the fridge.
Her mother went on and on, asking her questions about school and her well-being.

Half of her was listening to what her mother was saying and the other half wandered on to how she can make amends with her friends and keep her respect as well as her reputation.
She knew that she can't continue staying under the radar for too long because it would only give room for her haters to strike. To keep her reputation, she needed to get back on track and she was going to start by defining her relationships.

"I want you to know that you are a child of grace. Don't forget where you are coming from so you will know where you are going. Keep being a good girl okay." Her mother dropped her a few words of advice.

She closed her eyes and exhaled effortlessly. "Okay, Mummy. I have to go prepare for classes now. I will call you later in the day."

"There's no need for that. God bless you, my daughter. Your Father and your siblings send their regards."

"Okay, Mummy. Thank ma. God bless you too." She said and hung up.

Giving a loud sigh, she threw the phone on the bed and strolled into the bathroom to prepare for her 9 am class.

She kept on shaking her legs from the beginning of the lecture to the very end. She felt all eyes on her. She felt as though she was the topic of discussion in class. She couldn't concentrate on what the lecturer was teaching because of her 'theories'. But the woman she had built herself to be couldn't let her weakness be too obvious in public. She kept her cool and worked on her breathing patterns.

She noticed how Vivian ignored her throughout the class and as soon as it was over, she packed her bags and disappeared immediately. It was way too obvious that they were not getting back together anytime soon so she just packed her books into her handbag, preparing to leave the class.
As she stood up, she locked eyes with Emeka who diverted his gaze away from her.
Her face lit with hope as she walked towards him.

On sensing her approach, he sighed heavily and turned in the opposite direction. "Have you come to insult me again?" He asked reluctantly.

She swallowed hard and replied bluntly. "No."

"Thank God." He said as he began folding the blank paper on his table.

He could easily walk away but he didn't. He could also use this opportunity to bathe her in her own words but he didn't because he misses her even though he promised to wash his hands off her matter.
He has waited for this moment for a while now. So why would he want to deny himself the pleasure of watching her grovel for his pardon?.

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