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"Would you stop laughing? It's not a joking matter!."  Ndidi yelled at Vivian but her hands were still on her stomach as she kept on laughing hard.

Ndidi told her about everything that happened with Emeka.
How he threw his key through the balcony and had to go on a missionary journey of finding the spare one.

Vivian sniffed after reducing the soprano of her laughter, "So that was why your face was all scrunched up when you came back last night." She said.
Ndidi kept a pouted lip and furrowed brows. Her hands were crossed just below her breast as she stared at the window.
She desperately wanted to see the guy from yesterday just one more time but Emeka had to be the devil.
She wondered why he was so overly protective and bothersome. Does he think she's still the naive Ndidi from school? She's now a rebranded Didi and it's time he got it into his thick skull.
She was going to prove his instinct wrong and revenge for trapping her in his room.

"He's so unbelievable. The nigga fucking threw his key away over a simple matter." Ndidi whined and fumed more.

Vivian looked towards the ceiling dreamily as she clutched her palms against her chest. "Gosh! This is making me love him even more." She purred and Ndidi stared at her with so much red.
Vivian gulped audibly and slowly brought her arms down. "I believe he had a concrete reason for what he did. It's his lodge so he definitely knows more than you do." She said again.

Ndidi rolled her eyes and hissed loudly "I'm so pissed right now. It's making me regret even talking to him in the  first place ."

Vivian placed her left palm on her shoulder, "You know you can be stubborn. Even if you talk from now till next year, I still want to believe that he had a very good reason because he doesn't seem like he would hurt you on purpose." She blurted and Ndidi immediately swatted her arm away.
"Those guys could be bad." She shrugged.

Ndidi eyed her dangerously. "Just shut up if you don't have anything sensible to say please. I don't blame you at all. Both you and he are an annoying set of people." She snapped at her.

Vivian stood up from the bed, "After all this shakara you will still run to me when your next buffoon fucks up." She said and proceeded to her corner.

"You can't even pronounce ordinary 'shakara' very well and I play my games so well that I can never be played." Ndidi stated and her ringtone filled the air instantly. She picked up the call and her discussion faded into whispers.

"If you say so." Vivian muttered.

As she was about to enter her corner, Joy came in with lots of books in her arms. She jammed the door with her foot and was about to enter her corner when Vivian greeted her.
"Ohh Joy you are back. Welcome." She said.

"Thank you." Joy replied without even sparing her a look.

There was still bad energy between them. Joy wasn't on talking terms with Ndidi and since Vivian seems like her bestie, she knew better than to poke her head where she's not needed.
Vivian, on the other hand, sees Joy as someone who's trying desperately to prove what she's not; which is playing like the most mature because she got elected to be the course representative in her department.

Vivian held Joy's curtain open as she entered her corner, "How were classes?" Vivian asked nicely.

"Fine." Joy replied plainly again and continued sorting out the books she scattered in the bed.
Her monosyllabic reply was irking Vivian but she held her cool.

"Are you okay?" Vivian asked.

Joy inhaled and exhaled, then looked at Vivian. "Stop trying to be nice because I'm not interested." She warned.

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