Chapter 18 Race nerves

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I unloaded my quad from the bed of Dustins truck and pulled it over next to the guys in line with theirs.

Jason walked up to me and smiled. Something flashed through his eyes as he dashed to his truck. He came back holding a pair of Oakley sunglasses. He slipped then on my face and whispered in my ear.

"These will hide your eyes and make you look like you know what your doing. Trust me." I nodded my head and helped Dustin unload the trailer. I topped my gas tank and made my way over to Dustins.

My mom, Aaron, and Jase walked over to me.

"Don't worry about us we know the plan and we know what to say." I released my breath.

"Good luck big brother." I looked over at Arron and rolled my eyes from under the sunglasses. Jase gave me a high five and asked Arron to buy him a corn dog from the concessions. When they walked away my mom looked at me.

"Your dad would be proud of you. Do your best but be careful." I nodded my head and she walked away trying to find my two brothers.

More and more people showed up and my nerves wernt settling. The announcer started naming classes that needed to be ready and the classes that were needed at the starting line.

The guys class was up next and they rode away up to the starting line. My class was after theirs. I grabbed my helmet and slipped in the box trailer. I set Dustins hat on a shelf and grabbed my helmet.

I don't know why but I just sat their and looked at my helmet. I looked at the racing number on the side. My stomach seamed to calm down until I pulled my helmet over my head and ran the strap through the lock.

I climbed on and made my way through the people and to the starting line. Two other people where their when I pulled up into my position. My nerves really settled in. My hands were shaking trying to pull my googles over my helmet.

I looked over my right shoulder to see two more people pull into their positions. One guy was staring at me and I quickly looked down at my gas tank. I slipped my gloves over my hands still feeling his gaze on me.

I finally looked up at the track in front of me. I noticed a pit board swinging around to my left. I looked over to see Maddy waving the board that said good luck on it and my team standing around her. Dustin sent me a wink and the rest gave me thumbs up.

Maddy erased the board and wrote something else. 'Just like practice' I gave everybody a thumbs up. My hands stopped shaking knowing the people who mattered most to me was here supporting me.

"No way." I turned my head to the sound of the voice. I found out that it was the guy that was looking at me earlier. "Your on the Backwoods Racers team." I shook my head up and down not wanting to talk. "I heard that Dustin dude quit and wasn't racing again." I shook my head no. "You don't talk much do you." He said chuckling. I shook my head no again.

The race was about to start and I got my self ready. I focused on the track in front of me.

The gates were dropped and I hit the throttle. I was doing good until the first corner. My back end slid to much and I lost control.

I noticed that this wasn't practice and I got my self focused. By the time I gained control I couldn't see the other racers. I zoomed in and out of trees. Toward the end of the third lap I managed to pass two people but didn't pass the third one in time.

I passed the finish line with the two guys right behind me. I made my way back to the canopy through the crowd. Everybody was standing their with big smiles on their faces.

I jumped off my quad and walked in the box trailer. I slid my helmet off carefully and switched it with Dustins hat. I heard somebody walk in. I grabbed Jason's sunglasses and turned around.

A Racers Love (Rewriting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon