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October, 2021

October, 2021

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vinnie had no idea what he could do to make up for his mistake

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vinnie had no idea what he could do to make up for his mistake. he was sure sofia had seen it already - even if she hadn't commented on tiktokinsiders' post, savannah had. one way or another, she'd find out.

he was now in anthony's room with him and troy, trying to come up with something to tell the girl he was in love with. the fact that he had texted her lying didn't help his case, of course. and, his brother being mad at him just made everything even worse.

"bro, i think you first need to get yourself together and figure out why you hooked up with nailea." anthony suggested "you can't explain it to someone without knowing it yourself. so, do that."

"that's true." troy agreed "and, it might make you see you aren't really willing to go official with this girl. if you were, you'd probably be thinking about her the whole night."

vinnie knew that was true, but at the same time, sofia was the only girl he imagined a future with. he couldn't just let go of her because he isn't ready for a relationship. but, at the same time, it wouldn't be fair to keep her around if he kept cheating.

"i think when my fans started saying nailea and i had something going on, it made me kinda start desiring her. but, nothing happened between us, so this thought stayed in my head... does it make sense?" vinnie tried to explain "yesterday i was kind of vunerable and i let this desire get the best of me... now, i can only see nai as a friend. i don't wish to hook up with her again. i only want sofia."

"ok, that's good." troy nodded his head "then, i recommend apologising to sofia, telling her what you just told us and also confessing you lied when you tried to explain yourself the first time. she might forgive you."

"i can maybe get avani to talk to her, if you want to? she's with charli right now, but i think they could help." anthony looked at his friend "i mean, i don't know. before avani, i was just like you... she can give your girl some advice."

"i think sofia already knows me well enough." vinnie shook his head, still disappointed in himself "but, avani talking to her could be great. she needs friends here in los angeles."

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now