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May, 2021

May, 2021

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vinnie, reggie and sofia were in the girl's living room whilst their parents and another guests chatted in the dining room

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vinnie, reggie and sofia were in the girl's living room whilst their parents and another guests chatted in the dining room. a few of sofia's uncles, cousins and family friends were invited, but she wasn't really interested in talking to them. reggie, even though he was sitting with the couple, was not really paying attention. he was too busy texting on his phone to even look at his brother and his friend. therefore, it was pretty much just vinnie and sofia there.

"i'll go to my room to change my shoes, wanna come?" sofia asked vinnie, getting up from the sofa they were sitting at "reggie? wanna come too?"

as reggie denied, vinnie also got up and followed sofia upstairs, already knowing the way to her bedroom. although, when he entered her room, it was completely different from what he remembered. she had pretty much changed everything, incluiding the photos on her wall.

before, vinnie was in almost every picture, either just with her or also with their group of friends. now, he couldn't find himself in any of them. still, he was happy to see there was no boy there other than pietro, lucas or some of her other classmates he knew well enough.

"it's very different from the last time i saw it." vinnie stated, walking around to see what else was different "wow, i didn't think you'd still have it..." he pointed to a stuffed animal he had given her on one of their first dates

sofia looked up from where she was sitting in bed removing her heels, trying to see what he was talking about. she blushed as she saw it was the gift she got from him more than a year ago that savannah had, many times, tried to convince her to get rid of. but, it was special to her, even if they were not together anymore.

"i asked my dad to redecorate my room, i wasn't enjoying it anymore." sofia sighed, entering her walk-in closet to get some new shoes to use "should i use the black ones or the beige ones?" she picked up two of her pair of sandals

"the black ones match your dress better." vinnie replied, watching her from the door "is that one of the hoodies i gave you?" he walked inside until he was in front of it but, to his disappointment, it wasn't "oh, it looks really similar."

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now