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April, 2021

April, 2021

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unfortunately, since vinnie didn't know his friends were coming, he didn't have a free weekend

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unfortunately, since vinnie didn't know his friends were coming, he didn't have a free weekend. on saturday, he spent the whole day busy with a campaign he had to shoot. so, the group of four chose to explore the city by themselves, visiting some of the most famous places around los angeles.

"look, i found tom hanks in here." pietro pointed excitedly at one of the stars on the hall of fame "sof, take a picture of it in your camera! chloe said your pictures have a nice effect on them and i want to post it."

sofia got her disposable camera from her bag and snapped a quick photo of the star on the ground, giving a thumbs up to pietro after it was done. meanwhile, savannah and lucas searched on their phones for a place to eat nearby, just because they were not willing to get an uber.

"ok, so there's this little italian restaurant close to us. it seems really cozy and it has good reviews on yelp." savannah said, turning her phone in their direction, for them to see "it's 5 minutes away if we walk there."

as the group decided they were too hungry to keep staring at random stars, they started walking, doing their best to follow the instructions given by google. and, at that moment, lucas saw an opportunity to talk to sofia.

"how was seeing vinnie again after so long, sof?" the boy asked, pulling her closer by her shoulder, so they were walking kind of side hugging "do you think there's a chance you'll get back together?"

"it was great. i imagined it would be worse, to be honest." she admitted, laughing "and, i don't think there's any possibility we'll be back together and you know that. we still have the same problems we had before."

lucas only shook her head, not understanding why the hell sofia and vinnie wouldn't just give in and accept a long-distance relationship could work out pretty well between them. an example was harry, the twins older brother, and jade, his girlfriend. she was currently living in new york for college and he was in seattle, but  still, they were dating.

it was harder, but it was possible.

on sunday, the group had to leave early to get back to washington

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on sunday, the group had to leave early to get back to washington. their graduation ceremomy would be that week, so their parents wouldn't let them spend more than a weekend traveling. either way, it was just enough time to hang out with their friend after so long.

vinnie drove his friends to the airport, complaining about how little time they had together. savannah felt like this was mostly directed to sofia, but she didn't say it out loud as she knew the boy wouldn't admit it even if it was the truth.

once at the airport, they chose to find a place to eat whilst waiting, since there was still an hour or so before they had to leave and they had already done their check-in, so, getting their foods, they chose a quiet table to sit at while chatting.

"you have to visit us more, hacker." savannah said, taking a sip of her coffee "we miss having your presence when we hang out sometimes. it was annoying, but fun."

"i know, i'll try to go home more constantly. it's just... i had to keep moving between houses, so there was almost no time for me to visit." vinnie explained "anyways, when's your graduation again?"

"it's on friday." lucas answered "fucking finally, man. now, i'll be able to say i'm a high school graduate. couldn't be there any longer or else, i'd start killing our teachers."

"stop joking like that." sofia rolled her eyes playfully "although, knowing i'll never have to see mr. dell again is like a dream come true." they laughed at her, vinnie remembering all the times she complained about that one teacher

"well, i just hope we can still be as close as we are now that we won't see each other everyday." pietro said "i don't want to lose this friendship. we've known each other for so long."

"yeah, there's no way you're getting rid of us." savannah pointed to sofia and herself "we'll be forever tormenting you. and, just so you know, there's still six months before any of us leave for college. we'll stay in seattle bothering you until then."

they kept talking for a while, vinnie joining sometimes, but, trying to focus on what he was doing on his phone. he had just booked a flight from los angeles to seattle for the day before sofia's graduation. if you asked him, he'd say it wasn't because of her, but, on the inside, he knew it was a lie.

she had attended his graduation last year and cheered for him the loudest when his name was called. she was the one he chose to invite, because his school would only let the students bring one person, due to the COVID-19 cases being high at the time.

his family supported his decision, knowing how much his girlfriend meant to him. and, they'd be able to watch him online, it was enough. he remembers that day as if it was one of the best in his life, so his goal was to make her feel the same on hers.

"i think we should go to the boarding area now." sofia spoke, checking the time on her phone "we only have 20 minutes and still need to find our gate, so it might take a while."

vinnie raised his eyes from his phone at this, getting up once they all did so he could hug them goodbye "we'll be expecting your visit soon, hacker." savannah muttered whilst hugging him

he then hugged the boys quickly and moved to sofia "it was nice to see you again, sofi." he hugged her waist, as he was just so used to that "i guess we'll see each other soon, right?"

the girl in question hummed in response, hugging his neck, not wanting to let go of his body "it was nice to see you too, vinnie." she smiled, letting go of him moments later "i'll let you know once we decide which day we're traveling."

once they left, vinnie walked out of the airport and went straight to his car. when he had arrived, he just sat at the driver's seat thinking about what had - and what had not - happened. his feelings for sofia, which he was sure were not there anymore, appeared out of nowhere, messing completely with his head.

he could not believe that, after 8 months or so, he didn't get over her. and, it was obvious, to him, at least, that she had moved on. so, why didn't he? he has other girls trying to get with him and, yet, he still wants his ex girlfriend, who lives in a completely different state.

"what the fuck am i supposed to do?"

"what the fuck am i supposed to do?"

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clara's world -

hii!! i feel like i haven't
talked a lot in here, so
i'm just saying hi. i hope
you're liking the story!!
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you're enjoying this :))

stay safe and have a nice

come back home, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now