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Tw! Homophobic comments, force of religion, arguments

"Lauren! Come down here and let's get to church!"

A young person finished putting on their shirt, pants, and church shoes. They put their hair in ponytail, looking in a mirror. "My name is Kalen.. A young handsome boy.." Kalen was a transgender male, and also pansexual. He quickly took of his shirt, taking off his bra, and put on his binder on. He took out his phone, setting his timer onto when to take it off. Kalen put back on his shirt, walking out of his room.

"Aw Lauren. Finally you came down, let's head to church. Your getting baptized today." Kalen's mother  said, getting her keys and heading out the door.

Kalen nodded, grabbing his bag and heading out as well. He got into the backseat of the car, setting his bag down on the ground.

Kalen's father turn on the vehicle, driving out of the driveway. He turn on the radio, hearing the news.

"Breaking news today, a young girl has committed suicide last night because of being bullied. Parents found note beside her, saying that she couldn't handle the bullying because of her sexuality. Man kids these days doesn't know when to treat others with respect, right Alex?"

"Right, the parents are deeply saddened about their daughters death. May her Rest In Peace in heaven."

Kalen's father scoffed, turning off the radio. "She ain't going to heaven. She's going to hell for committing a sin. Being part of that sickening LGBTQ is a sin. Jesus wouldn't want that."

Kalen shifted in his seat, putting on his headphones. He played his music, looking outside his window. 'I've always hidden things, most likely my sexuality and gender. I never felt like a girl and wanted to be a boy. "God" gave me the wrong gender. I was born in the wrong body. I also don't believe in god, nor satan. I only believe in myself.'

They made it to church, parking, and getting out of the vehicle. Kalen walked in behind his parents, seeing the big tank of water. He was getting baptized, so that he can go to "heaven." If there even is one. They all sat down, waiting for church to begin.

The pastor came out, standing in front of his podium. He putting on his reading glasses, looking at his bible. "Welcome to the house of god. Here we will baptized a young girl, so that she can go to the heaven's above with our lord and savior." He fixed his glasses. "Lauren Dawson? Mind if you go to the back, put on your robes, and come to the tank please?"

Kalen nodded a little, grabbing his bag, and leaving the back. A woman was there waiting for there to help him. He held up his hand. "N-no thank you. I can do this by myself thank you."

The woman nodded, leaving the robe, and leaving the room.

Kalen locked the door, setting his stuff down. He sighed and took off his clothes, putting his binder in the safest part of his bookbag. He kept on his undergarments, putting on his robe. He put his bookbag to the side where his clothes were, and unlock the door. Kalen stepped out, going over to the tank.

The pastor made him get in the tank, laying him down. "Now, I'm going to dunk you and you need to close your eyes, also take a deep breath."

Kalen nodded, closing his eyes. He was forced upon this by his parents. He didn't have control onto stopping them from doing this. He took a deep breath and was dunk into the water. Kalen didn't know how long he was going to be under the water, and he didn't like dark spaces. He was surfaced, being told he's "saved."

The pastor put a towel around him, telling him he can go back and change.

Kalen walked back to the room, locking the door and sitting on the floor. He dried up and changed his undergarments. Once he was finished, he put on his binder and his outfit. He quickly took out his phone, going on discord.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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