Chapter 8 - Adora Who?

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Kira POV

The next day I had to go to Hybe before and after work. Why they couldn't just merge the meetings together I didn't understand. My lesson is after my shift so I'm not sure why they have called me in this morning. I drop Yoongi a text to thank him for taking me along with him yesterday and see if he will be around when I go in.

KD: Hey, thanks again for yesterday. It was great but I can't move my body today :O send help! I have to come in for a meeting this morning and I know what my wish is! Will I come by the lab to collect? I have a lesson after my shift as well so let me know when's good for you.

I go and get ready so that I can get there early hoping to have some spare time to hang out in the Lab. I check my phone before I leave and he hasn't text me back yet. He's a busy guy so I try to manage my expectations but I still feel a little disappointed that I haven't heard from him. He is normally quite quick to respond. 

When I get to the building I head to the 18th floor for my meeting wondering if I will bump into him on my way. As the elevator doors open and I start walking down the hallway, I see him heading into the lab. I go to say hi to him, but my voice disappears. A lump forming in my throat as I realise that there's a girl following him into the studio. I feel like an idiot. He was probably just trying to be friendly since I was an outsider, and I completely mistook the vibes for something else. I walk straight past the Genius Lab to go for my meeting and try to force myself to say hi to them as politely as I can when I go past them. The girl is beautiful. Of course she is. She says hello in response, and Yoongi looks confused by my sudden coldness towards him.

"KD?" He shouts after me, and I keep walking. He catches up to me and grabs my elbow.

"Is everything okay?" he sounds concerned yet absolutely oblivious to how my little crush on him has wounded me.

"Fine, I just have a meeting with Chan. I will speak to you later." It hurts to be this blunt but I needed to start putting up some protection so that I didn't get hurt any more than I am already.

I go in to the meeting room and lay my head down on the table. I have half an hour to wallow in self pity before I have this meeting and I was going to savour each second. 

When Chan comes into the room I sit up and pull myself together. 

"Hey, the schedule didn't say what this meeting was about so I didn't bring anything." I say, unsure what was expected of me for this.

"It's fine, it's just to let you know that we are moving your payment up. The fact you are always tired is going to have a negative impact on this preparation so if we give you an advanced payment then you can leave your other job and focus on spending more time here. If you send me your bank details then I will do the transfer just now." He says this so matter of fact like this wasn't going to relieve a huge burden on me. I give him my details and then look at my bank to see the funds go through. I didn't know my bank could show that many figures. The banking app read $50,854.13.

"Thank you so much, I honestly don't know what to say." the relief that this would bring was unreal. I immediately started to breath a little lighter. Not worrying about whether my body would give out before I took more shifts to have enough money to cover rent this month.

I sat for another minute once Chan had left unsure what to even do now. I guess I would go hand my notice in to the shop and then come back and practice more of my Korean. Before I can stand up to leave, Yoongi comes in to the meeting room.

"Do you have a minute?" he asks stepping in and closing the door behind him.

"Sure." Breathe, Kira, be kind just as he has been to you.

"I feel like I need to explain." He jumps straight into it.

"You don't owe me any explanation. I'm sorry for being rude earlier, I was just caught off guard, but of course you have your own life and that's nothing you need to explain to me." I try to beat him to the blow so that I can still hold my head up high.

"I think there's a misunderstanding. Everything was fine and then as soon as you saw me with Adora, you turned cold and distant. It doesn't take a genius, even if I am one, to realise why." So that's her name, Adora. Adora, who? The Explorer? I'm sure he absolutely adores her. Stop it, Kira, that's mean, I remind myself to keep my thoughts to myself.

"I would rather not endure the humiliation any longer, so I'm going to go. Seriously, don't worry about me. I'll be fine, thanks for being my friend, though." I walk out before he can continue, and I want the world to swallow me whole.


I headed to the shop to do my last shift since I didn't want to leave them high and dry, but I informed them that it would be the last. A part of me will miss how simple the job was, even if draining. I was standing in the back when I heard the bell ding. The manager was supposed to be on cashier duty, but he stepped out for a break, so I had to cover while he was gone. This used to scare me a lot more than it had recently. Maybe the lessons were making me a little more confident around people. I see the person who wants served standing at the counter in a black hat and mask as I approach him.

"How can I help you?" I ask with my polite voice.

"I don't like how we left things earlier." that voice. The lazy, husky, deep voice that haunts my dreams in the best way. My eyes grow wide as I realise who is standing in front of me.

"You can't be here! What if someone comes in and recognises you?" I reach over the counter and start pushing on his shoulders gently to make him leave.

"The quicker you listen to me, the faster I will leave." He says so calmly that it eases my anxiety a little but not for long.

"Fine, go ahead." I say.

"As I was trying to say earlier, Adora is a producer. She helps me work on songs and produces tracks for Hybe like me. We spend a lot of time together and have known each other for years, but she is like a sister to me. I don't view you like a sister. I feel like it's important for you to hear that before you go and convince yourself otherwise. Do you understand?" he asks expectantly, waiting for me to acknowledge what he just said.

I had already convinced myself he didn't see me that way so I was too distracted by the situation to fully fathom what he meant.

"Okay, fine. Now you can go." My response was clearly inadequate to him as he stared me down. My eyes darted from him to the door, trying to keep watch and make sure nobody was coming.

He reached his hand over the counter to grab the back of my head and pulled my face to his as he kissed me. What was he doing? I didn't want him to stop but this probably broke every single rule that Hybe could possibly have on being out in public as a member of BTS. Not to mention what would happen to my contract if they found out. 

He pulled back to release me and could see the shock on my face.

"Just to make sure we are on the same page about things." he said with his cheeky tone and then he wiped his thumb across my plump bottom lip. I stood there in silence as he walked toward the exit. "Text me back." he said as he turned to leave and then he was gone. I knew my last day working here was going to feel good but not quite this blissful. Yoongi just kissed me. I know that any insecurities I had were my issue and nothing to do with him, but the fact he came all this way, knowing the risks, just to reassure me, made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy. I was falling for him head first and didn't regret a single moment, ignoring everything I tried to tell myself earlier in the day.

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