Chapter 1 - Contract

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Kira POV

How I ended up here is beyond me. I know I'm tight on cash ever since moving to Korea 6 months ago, but I know this is probably a bad idea. Yet I can't seem to leave this meeting room. My agent said a company called Hybe was holding auditions for a role that wasn't being disclosed, and anyone who was female, in a certain age bracket, and not from Korea should attend. That it was 'very under the radar', and I was 'lucky' that they were putting me forward for it. It's quite hard to prepare when you don't know what it is for, but my part-time job isn't enough for me to continue getting by on. My savings are nearly running out and I need to make more money if I'm going to stay here. I could go back home but there isn't anything there for me either so I wanted a new start.

I signed up with an agency because apparently it's easy to get some entertainment work as a foreigner, whether you end up as an extra in a drama or the English speaking point of view on a variety show. I thought, why not? It might lead to something new and exciting that my part time jobs don't bring. The extra cash would also be helpful.

"Kira-ssi?"I scan the room looking for the voice who just said my name. He is a shorter man with a nose on the larger side.

"Yes, that's me." I respond gleefully, trying to portray how happy I can appear even if it's fake.

"I'm Bang Si-Hyuk." He extends his hand for me to shake and motions for me to take a seat.

"Firstly, we need you to sign an NDA and inform you that anything we say in this room, must not leave this room. Do you understand?" This time, it was the guy beside him speaking. I guess all the formalities and introductions were over and we were down to business. I signed the form and then waited for them to explain what the job would be, I was getting slightly worried but they were a reputable company according to my agent so nothing truly bad could happen, right?

"Okay, thank you for your patience while we prepared all of the necessary arrangements." They continued to ask me questions about how long I had been here and how much I had integrated into the culture, etc. I explained that while I was familiar with some of the culture, being busy with work meant that I hadn't had time to immerse myself as I had hoped. They went on to ask about my music tastes and how I spent my free time. After giving them a lot of information, they asked for me to wait in the hall while they discussed some details.

I returned and the man speaking on behalf of Mr. Bang asked me one last question.

"Do you know BTS?" The silence in the air waiting for my response was tangible.

I searched my brain, trying to understand the question. BTS. Like 'behind the scenes'? Of what? Maybe they were asking if I knew what the role involved already.

"I haven't been told anything to do with the role, so I don't have any behind the scenes information from my agent at the moment." I try to speak confidently, but then people start whispering, and I waiver.

"...but I can contact them and ask if something hasn't been relayed to me, if you just give me a chance, I know I can do a good job for you." I didn't think I was at the begging stage yet, but I'm clearly a lot closer than I realised if I was already pleading with them.

"Ms. Denver, we will give you a pack of information detailing the role requirements and a contact number if you have any questions relating to this. You may only tell your agent so that they can help us arrange your schedule if you decide to take the job. You have 24 hours to respond before we offer the role to someone else. We look forward to hearing from you."

With that, I was escorted from the meeting room and led back to the reception area in a state of confusion, wondering what on earth kind of meeting I just attended. 

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