Chapter 6 - Lab Code

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Kira POV

After hanging out with Yoongi, I went to meet Jin in the sitting room that we had our first catch up in. Chan was with us this time. He was supposed to be our mediator but he hasn't really been around. That is maybe why I still feel quite awkward around Jin.

He explains that once we announce that we are dating, quite quickly afterward, we will be attending an event together. It's just a fashion event but it will be our first outing so it's very important, as Chan keeps stressing to me. No pressure, I tell myself sarcastically.

"Okay, is there anything I need to do for this event?" I ask unsure how I can help.

"We will provide an outfit," he pauses and looks me up and down in my baggy relaxed clothes, "and appointments to make you more presentable." Ouch. I feel chided. I sit for the rest of the meeting wondering if the next year is just going to be people making me feel bad about myself.

The rest of the guys come in and start doing some sort of craft project and film little snippets to show ARMY in what I assume is a bangtan bomb clip that I had seen in my 'studies'. They make sure they are all facing me so that I won't be filmed in the background.

Chan leaves us and Jin joins the rest of the guys. I have another hour before I start my shift so I decide to stay and do some Korean practice.


"Kira, it's time to go." I'm woken up by an unfamiliar voice. I look up and see Jungkook.

"Oh, thanks for waking me Jungkook."

"Yoongi gave us scold last time. Said whoever last was make sure you okay."I smiled at the thought of Yoongi giving a row. He doesn't seem like the type to reprimand people.

"Did he? Don't worry about it, I shouldn't be falling asleep here anyway, thanks."

Jungkook nods, when I realise he probably didn't catch all of that. I wave and he leaves me alone to gather my things.

I head out of the room and walk past the Genius Lab. I want to pop my head in to say goodbye so I hesitate at the door for a moment. I decide against it since I have probably annoyed him enough today and turn to walk away. I take a few steps and hear his door open. I turn and see his cup in hand, 'how is that for good timing' I think to myself.

"Hey, I was just heading to work." I throw a thumb over my shoulder, then cringe at my awkward actions. 

"I'm just getting some coffee, probably be a late one. Here," he mumbles and then hands me a piece of paper, "if you need somewhere to hang out then just come to my studio whether I'm here or not. Have a good shift." Then he closed the door and went to the kitchen.

"Thanks!" I shout after him. He didn't even give me time to thank him properly. I should make him a gift, for how friendly and accommodating he has been to me. I put the paper in my bag and head to work.


After a long shift, I get ready to go to bed and lie down with my phone in hand. I take the piece of paper with the number 724148 written on it, out of my bag and save it in my notes. When I go to put it in the bin, I notice there are other numbers on the back. A phone number. Why would he give me his phone number? Am I supposed to let him know if I'm going to the Lab? I save the contact as Seesaw because it makes me happy to think about his little shoulder dance. I then spend the next 20 minutes trying to draft a message that doesn't sound lame, annoying, cliché or all of the above. I decide I'm over thinking it and try to be nonchalant.

Kira: New number, who dis?


Kira: It's Kira.

Seesaw: That's your opening line? Would you like to try again?

Kira: No. I am happy with my decision.

Seesaw: Shift go okay?

Kira: Meh, the usual. How goes being a worldwide star?

Seesaw: A lot of pressure but worth the work that I put in.

Kira: If you ever need to blow off steam then let me know, I'm good at that.

Seesaw: Blowing? :O

Kira: Haaaaaa, you wish you could find out.

Seesaw: Never say never.

Shit. Was he flirting with me? Things were taking a turn. I try to steer the conversation elsewhere so that I don't say the wrong thing.

Kira: What did you save me as?

Seesaw: KD. I don't use full names in case I ever lose my phone or if it got hacked. It protects everyone else in my life too.

Kira: That makes sense, clever. Will you be attending this fancy fashion event I am scheduled in for?

Seesaw: Afraid not. I think you will get ready here and then head to the event from there but the plan is for you two to go solo as far as I'm aware. Get some sleep, I will speak to you later.x

I play some piano music on my phone to fall asleep to and try not worry too much about the upcoming events or the fact that he put a kiss at the end of that message...

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