"Alright, thank you,  in the event that I check out the selling cost and create a decent gain, the gathering level or programming advancement can likewise be sped up, the timetable is too long, what about Mr. Eko?," Mr. Satya.

"I think so too," replied Mr. Eko

"Mina, I'm interested in the pre-order, how about that?," asked Mr. Drajat

"The pre order or PO is a special order from the buyer, sir, so the system is between the quality and type of camera, the buyer can request according to his wishes or what kind of superior drone specifications he wants, then it can be made with a 70% payment system up front," I explained

"Oh, I see that the estimated profit from this PO is pretty good,".

"Is it too big, sir?, in this drone we must have the advantage of good flight quality, 4 angle camera turning angle, and a strong but flexible frame to fly in wind conditions, later on the monitor will provide information on how many degrees the air temperature is, and wind velocity,".

"In terms of price, I think it's appropriate, according to quality, this is related to battery capacity, and sensors and cameras," explained Mr. Drajat.

"For the manufacture of this drone, it can be done according to the time schedule, but for the test. it is quite long," explained Mr. Eko

"what do you think, Mina? About Mr. Eko's statement," asked Mr Satya.

"In my opinion, the level of drone weakness can be revised in line with the drones that have been made, so we sell drones according to the capacity and quality that are made, later there will be a drone series that we can relaunch according to the quality revision, if we wait for the drone to be 100% perfect. Looks like we're not selling drones, sir," I explained.

"Wow, I agree with Mina," said Mr. Drajat.

"Then, Mina, what about the stick that is replaced with an application on the cellphone?" asked Mr. Eko.

"I'm confused, sir. for that category, do you think into cheap or expensive drones?".

"In my opinion, a stick that is replaced with software on a cellphone can be a set of programs with a drone but the price is medium, so the characteristics of the drones that we produce," said Mr. Drajat

"I agree with Mr. Drajat's explanation," Mr. Satya.

"Yes, the software is easy, I've tried to make it and it looks like we can produce and test it," explained Mr. Eko.

"then sir, this is the power of flying with 6 fan points. It looks like you can add a battery capacity that is designed to be environmentally friendly. Sourced from mini solar cells that we can install on the upper body with the aim of a backup battery to turn on 6 fan points. In the point, there are two batteries, the first from the charger, the second from solar cells as a backup which is especially useful for turning on the fan,".

"Wow, that's cool Mina, looks like we have to try," .

"I am quite clear on this proposal," said Mr. Eko.

"Me too," followed by Mr. Drajat

" I think that's enough for our meeting, that means Mina will immediately take care of the order for the components,".

"Okay sir," I replied.

Everyone goes back to their respective rooms, including me. Today I'm mentally tired, I want to immediately run to the canteen to eat all the menus there. But it's still 11:15 am. When it comes to eating, it seems like the clock is changing slowly. I just sat on the chair while laying my head for a moment. Only the ticking of the clock, and the sound of footsteps coming closer to my desk.

Not far from my desk, I heard Rere's voice

"Afternoon Mina, let's go to the canteen for lunch," said Rere.

" now? It's not lunch time yet," I replied.

"Well, it's okay, after the presentation, it's exhausting, so we need more energy,".

"will be reprimanded later,".

"Nothing, come on," said Rere, while pulling my arm to go to the cafeteria downstairs. I just gave up, without any resistance. It feels like after the meeting makes me hungry 2 times more than before. I'm too lazy to even talk. Again in front of the entrance, I smell the aroma of fried fish and eggs. The smell wakes the cells in my stomach to quickly rise, ready to receive the food. Rere immediately ordered rice, fried chicken and other side dishes, while I also ordered the food that Rere ordered. Same drinks and food.

We also ate this lunch at the same table

"Mina, the proposal was very clear"

" Is not it? Previously I got drone data from Mr. Eko, so my job was only to find the price of the components," I answered.

"But it's clear, I hope this project is more profitable and has a long prospect,".

"Yes, Re, but who is the technician in software and tools?," ask me.

"Yes, there are three of them, Mr. Satya, Mr. Eko, and Mr. Drajat. They are the experts,".

"Wow, so they are also good at technicians,".

"Yes, all tenders Mr. Satya got, in 1.5 years, not many tenders have been handled, but for the development of the three of them,".

" hmm I see,".

We both finished this lunch deliciously. My first friend was Rere, we were quite close, because from the first day, Rere always invited me to have lunch together. She is in charge of recording administrative records that enter the company or used finance. In addition, she worked on several proposals. However, its main task is related to financial data. She has a friendly character.

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