Chapter 1 - A double wedding!!!

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Master Frown's POV

~The day before the wedding~

"Unikitty, you are....." I said and sighed. "I'm so nervous"
"Hey, dude, our tuxedos arrived" Brock said, walking in.
"That's great" I said, flatly
"You okay?" He asked
"Yeah, just wedding jitters" I replied
"You're not having doubts, are you?" He said
"No I'm just nervous" I said
"Dude, If you're like this, how do think Unikitty feels?" Brock asked

Unikitty's POV
"Rick, are all flowers properly arranged?" I asked
"And the cakes baked?" Dr Fox asked
"Relax, the both of you" Richard said"Everything is ready and waiting"
"Oh, I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow" I said
"2+2 equals.... Uh I'm so nervous I can't do math anymore" Dr Fox said "I'm afraid I'm gonna embarrass myself"
"Not as much as I am" I said "But I know that I we're marrying the people we love and that's all that matters"
"You're right" She said
"I almost can't wait" I said

~ Wedding day ~
I brushed my dress for the umpteenth time, while I looked out the window. Almost every body from both kingdoms came.
Even the Doomlords showed up. Well, not all of them since Master Pain is still in the assylum.

I wonder if Frownie would be willing to release her now. She must be so upset in that place.

But I can't think of sad things today. It's my wedding day after all. I'll talk to him about it after.
Dr Fox walked in, her hair in a bun and a bridal train behind her.
"Nervous?" She asked
"Very" I replied "you?"
" I've had to pee three times" she said

A knock came from the door, cutting our conversation short.
" Come in" I said and Richard came in looking sharp in his tux.
It's time.

Master Frown's POV
I rearranged my tie as I stood on the altar, waiting.
I looked at Hawkodile who was swaying forward and backwards. Suddenly, music started and everyone stood erect.
Bim Bom and Feebee came in first spraying pink and white flowers on the isle.
Then they came in, with Richard in between, holding their hands. Dr Fox and the love of my life.
The second I saw her, it was like all my fears and nervousness vanished. I could see through the transparent veil she wore and I could tell she was smiling.
They got to the altar and the music ended and I took Unikitty's hand.
"You look beautiful" I said
"And you look handsome" she said"

Richard went to the middle of Unikitty and I and Hawkodile and Dr Fox.

"Let us be seated" Richard said "The couples have written their own wedding vows which they will read before you. Master Frown? "
I took a deep breath
" Unikitty, my love, my friend, my future. I vow to cherish you. To love you from the moon and back. Actually, scratch that. To love you from Neptune and back. I vow to protect you when spiders and termites invade our home. I vow to do and be what ever you need whenever you need it. You are the best part of my day. I love you, My Unikitty"
Unikitty had tears in her eyes and I was holding myself back from kissing her.
"Unikitty?" Richard asked and Unikitty cleared her throat
"Frownie, my king, my love, my heart. I vow to honor and love you. I vow to never spend too much of our money online. I vow to tickle you when you're feeling down, to laugh with you when times are good, to support you when times are rough and to stop you from being a cranky old man when we're no longer young and swanky. I love you, My Master Frown"

I could feel my heart melting and I was on the verge of losing all control.

Hawkodile and Dr Fox said their vows and then we exchanged the rings.

"I now pronounce you men and wives" Richard said"you may kiss the..."
I didn't wait for Richard to finish. I just took off Unikitty's veil and kissed her deeply. There was a moment of silence before loud cheering filled the air.


Unikitty's POV
"Hey dude. I need some cake for my date" Brock said, coming to our table.
" You've got a date?" Master Frown asked
" Yeah I've got a date" Brock replied
" Let's meet her" I said
" Okay" He said "I'm sure she's someone Master Frown's met before"
Then he left without saying another word.
I looked at Frownie and he just shrugged.

Brock returned with a lady I've never seen before. She had long white hair and a cloak similar to Master Frown's only it was lime green and black instead of blue and black.

"Oh no" Frownie said and I just looked on in confusion.
"So little Master Frown is getting married" She said, one hand on her waist.
" Correction. I just got married" Frownie said, crossing his arms
"Hi I'm Unikitty!" I said, waving "And you are?"
" Miss Fortune. Nice to meet you " she said, shaking my hand
" It's nice to meet you too" I said" So how do you know Master Frown?"
" Don't worry, sweetie. I'm not his long lost girlfriend" Miss Fortune said " I'm Mr Grumpy Pants' cousin"
" My annoying cousin" Master Frown said
" Geez, how can you still be frowning at your own wedding? " Miss Fortune said

Suddenly, soft music started playing.
"Ooh"  I said
"I know" Miss Fortune said and took Brock's hand "Dance with me, Brock"
"Oh, okay" he said and they went to dance floor.
" Care to dance? " Master Frown said, outstretching his hand
" Of course, I'd love to" I said, taking his hand.


"Bye everyone!" I said, waving as Master Frown drove off to our hotel.
We lodged and I used the bathroom first and waited in the bed for Master Frown.
He came out and lay beside me.
"Hey, Princess" He said
"Hey, Frownie" I said
"Got anything to tell me before... well, you know? " He said
" Actually I do have something to say" I said
" Well it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow" he said attacking me with kisses on my neck.
" Frownie! " I said, giggling and I turned off the lights

Sorry I can't talk right now but I will soon. Peace. ✌🏾💜💙😘.

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