Storm on the Horizon

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I was excited. I would get to meet the squad! Or, at least some of them. Sophie would never go to see Piper sadly. But I would get to meet Laine and maybe some others!

Most people didn't believe that Sophie and I were sisters, since we were the same age and didn't look much alike. But Sophie is my sister! Well, adopted sister. I had been adopted a few months after Sophie left the squad.

"ALYSSA!!" Sophie screamed from wherever she was in the house. She still had that energy that she had in all of Piper's old videos. "MOM SAYS THAT WE ARE GOING TO LEAVE IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, SO GET READY!" By the time that Sophie had finished letting me know when we were leaving, she had ended up in my doorway.

"Sorry, what did you say, Sophie? Could you say it again? I don't think that London heard you." I smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, ok. Mom said that we need to go soon." Sophie sat on my bed and looked at me expectantly.

I sighed and looked at her with an amused look. "Really?"

Sophie giggled and moved over to the other bed in my room. There were two beds in my room because Sophie sometimes liked having sleepovers with me. 

Alyssa's room /\

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Alyssa's room /\

"Thank you." I moved to sit next to her. "What do you think Laine needs help with?" I asked Sophie.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing that it must be something important since she knows that Piper and I don't get along much anymore." Sophie answered.

"Well, whatever she needs help with, I bet we can handle it!"

"Duh! I mean, I'm Sophie," She flipped her hair. "And you'" She teasingly winked.

"Oh haha."

"Girls! Get in the car!" Our mom called to us.

"'Mom says that we are going to leave in the next few hours'!" I mimicked Sophie.

"Well...that's what mom said!"

"Alright. Let's go!"

I grabbed Sophie's hand and we rushed down to the car to help Laine.

Y'all, I'm sorry that these chapters have been so short. They WILL get longer.

Until next time, Sarahs4Hearts, out!

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