Pranks or Reality?

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I got out of the jeep and followed Symonne to find Jentzen, Elliana, and Liana, while Hunter went to hide.

We found the three sitting at a table drinking their Starbucks drinks. 

As Symonne and I neared them, Liana looked up from her phone and saw us.

"Hi!" Liana stood up and gave Symonne a hug before turning to me. "I'm Liana."

"Laine." I smiled. That was the best response yet, but then again, she didn't know about the prank yet. 

Sometime during the time we were talking to Liana, Jentzen and Elliana had joined the group to say hi. "So, is this who you wanted us to meet?" Elliana asked Symonne.

"Yep. This is Laine. My sister." I mentally braced myself for getting yelled at as Symonne started the prank. 

"Hi Laine. I'm Je...wait what? Sister?" Jentzen stopped mid sentence and stared at me before getting elbowed by Liana. "Ow!"

"Then stop staring!" Liana whisper yelled. 

"Why did you never tell us about her before now?" Elliana asked Symonne in a confused and hurt voice. 

"Laine doesn't like attention. She's shy when it comes to a lot of people. A lot of people are fans of us and if it got out that Laine is my sister she would start getting a lot more attention than she's used to." Symonne said. 

"So you lie to your best friends, your fans, and basically everyone that you have ever met just because your sister is shy." Jentzen summarized. I was starting to get deja vu. 

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you the whole truth." 

"No you did lie. You told us all that you are an only child. You told your fans that you are an only child. And you told the world that you are an only child. And now you come up to us telling us that you actually aren't an only child. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as lying." Liana pointed out. 

"I'm looking it up." Elliana sighed, pulling out her phone. That went fast. 

"I didn't even get to say anything!" I groaned, getting extremely confused looks. "Oh, yeah it's a prank." 

The same thing happened that happens whenever they find out they got pranked. 

Hunter can out of the bushes that he was hiding behind and exclaimed, "That went so fast! Come on Elliana! You ruined it!"

"Anyway." Symonne walked up to the camera. "That went fast. Sorry Laine. And I guess everyone else. But, that was today's video! Thanks for watching! Make sure you," Everyone joined in, "Like! Subscribe! And turn on those post notifications!" Then Symonne continued by herself, "So you don't miss out on any of my new videos! Bye!" Hunter turned off the camera.

"I'm still looking it up." Elliana announced. 

"Ok." I shrugged. 

Elliana typed on her phone for a second before her face turned confused. "Um, Symonne?"


"Are you sure that you don't have a sister?"

"Pretty sure. Why?"

Elliana turned the phone so that we could see it and what I saw left me utterly shocked, "Symonne Harrison has an older sister named Laine Symonne Harrison. Kidnapped at birth, Laine and Symonne have never met, but hopefully that changes."

I was about to respond when I heard from behind me, "LAINE HARRISON!!" I knew that voice only too well, and it was not one that I wanted to hear at the moment. I turned around to see my dad walking towards me, or stumbling towards me. He was obviously drunk.

"Who is that?" Symonne asked me.

"My father."

He came up to me and slapped me across my face so hard that I fell onto the ground. Shouts arose from Symonne, Elliana, Liana, Jentzen, and Hunter as my dad jerked me up and slapped me again, his breath smelled of alcohol. My dad came forward again and Hunter and Jentzen got between us to protect me. 

"Stop." I looked up. 

"You heard her!" Hunter told my dad.

"No. Not him. You." I looked towards Jentzen and Hunter who looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces. "It won't help anything."

My dad pushed through the two and stood above me. "Get up, orphan." And with a final glance at my friends, I was shoved into the back seat of the car.

Looking back, I saw Liana pointing Hunter's camera at the car. I hoped that she turned it on early enough. 

Hello! So sorry for the slow update. I've been really busy. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please consider voting and/or commenting. It really does motivate me. 

Stay safe and healthy!

Until next time Sarahs4Hearts out <3

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