I'm sorry, what?

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Once Laine's leg had been taken care of, Emily, Hunter, and I explained the prank to her and then Hunter turned the camera on, and I got into frame.

"Hey you guys! What's up? It's Symonne! Welcome back to my channel! Today, we are going to be doing a prank! And this isn't any normal prank, either. Today we are going to be doing a Sibling Prank! Now I bet you're thinking, 'Symonne how are you going to do that? I don't see anyone that looks anything like you.' Well, you are correct! Which is why have my friend, Laine!" Laine jumped into frame.


"Ok, so if you don't know what the sibling prank is, it's basically where you take someone, in this case, Laine, and tell your friends that that person is your sibling. So, I'm going to be telling the squad that Laine is my sister. I mean, look at her. We, like, actually could be sisters! And I obviously can't do this alone, so I have Emily!"

Emily jumped into frame and Hunter threw M&M's at her. "This isn't my channel, Hunter!"

"Oops." Hunter monotoned, making Laine giggle.

"Ok, anyway, I don't know how long we are going to be able to pull this prank off, because the squad obviously knows that I don't have any siblings, so, this should be interesting."

Hunter turned the camera off and put it on a side table.

"So," I started, "Emily and I are supposed to go to Piper's in about an hour, so until then, how about we get to know each other."

"That's probably a good idea. The girls are going to ask you questions about Symonne. Well, Claire might just be like, 'ok', but Piper and Elliana are going to ask. Oh, also, Jentzen texted me and said that Liana is coming over also, and she isn't easy to prank about things like this." Emily added.

"Ok. So if that's the case, then maybe they'll ask you things about me?" Laine directed at me.

"Yeah, that's true." I sat on my bed along with Emily and Laine. "So, Laine, how much would you say that you know about me?"

"Um, well, you're my favorite person in the squad, so a good amount."

"When's my birthday?" I asked.

"June 19, 2006. And mine is April 5, 2005."

"What's my favorite color?"

"Pink and mine's sky blue."

"Favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Vanilla and mine is basically any kind of sorbet."

It continued back and forth until I asked, "What does my name mean?"


"I actually don't know what it means and I'm too lazy to get my phone right now." I looked from my phone, which was only a few feet away, to Laine.

"Symonne means 'listener' and Laine means 'path'."

"What is my middle name?" I asked.

"She won't get that." Emily spoke up, "No where anywhere does it say that."

"I actually don't know that." Laine admitted.

"I actually don't have one." I informed her. Laine stayed silent, so I asked her, "What's your middle name?"

"Um, it's Symonne."

Hello everybody! Sorry for the short chapter. They will get longer. If you enjoyed this chapter, maybe consider voting, commenting, and maybe even following because it really encourages me.

That's all for now! Stay safe and stay healthy! Sarahs4Hearts out! <3

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