What Now?

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I was walking home from school on a Monday morning with Dylan by my side, thinking about what had happened a few weeks before. I had met my biological parents, found out about my whole life, and was waiting for something to happen with my "dad".

As I neared my house, I immediately knew that something was wrong. Several police cars were parked in my driveway with their lights flashing. I looked at Dylan who was looking equally worried. We ran the remainder of the space between us and my house before stopping at the end of my short driveway.

I saw a police officer standing by his car and I ran up to him. "Excuse me, officer?"

He looked at me and asked me, "Yes? How may I help you?"

"What is happening here?" I asked.

"Who's asking?"

"I live here, sir."

The officer was about to say something, but was interrupted by a disturbance. He turned around and looked at the front door of my house. I followed his gaze and saw my dad being hauled through the front door by two other officers. I knew immediately what was happening. Symonne's, I mean, my real parents, had done something. And it had actually worked! My dad was going to jail! He'd be gone.

Just as the realization that I'd be alone in the house crashed over me, I started to realize that staying in that house was not safe. I'd need to stay with someone. Going to Symonne seemed weird at the time, so I decided to go to the person that I felt safest with: Jenna.

I turned around and ran, with Dylan chasing after me, all the way to Jenna. I knew where she was, seeing how close we had gotten over time.

"Laine!" Dylan called out to me, "Where are you going?"

I didn't answer. I just ran. I didn't realize how out of breath I was until I reached the apartment that Jenna lived in. Dylan was somehow able to keep up with me throughout the whole time I was running, but he didn't last long. Once he was by my side, he fell to his knees, panting. I joined him not 2 seconds later.

Once we had both caught our breath, we entered the building. We entered the elevator and I pushed the button to go to Jenna's floor. "Mind telling me what we're doing?" Dylan asked me.

"Well, I can't very well stay at my dad's place alone, so I need somewhere to stay." I answered.

"You could stay with me." Dylan offered.

I slightly blushed and looked away. The thought of staying at my crush's house was just weird. "Thanks, but no thanks."

"Why not?" Dylan asked.

"Because..." I wasn't able to answer because right then the elevator opened and I rushed out.

I stopped outside Jenna's door and knocked. I was answered by Daisy, Jenna's dog, barking. "Daisy!" I heard Jenna's soft voice call out to Daisy.

"We aren't done talking about that." Dylan whispered in my ear, making me blush harder.

The door opened and Jenna's eyes immediately go from Dylan to my blushing face. A smirk appears on her face as she tells us to come in. I sat down on Jenna's bed and only now noticed that Dylan hadn't followed us in. I got up to look for him, but Jenna said, "He left. He said that he didn't think that he should be a part of whatever you wanted to talk to me about."

"Ah. Ok."

"So," Jenna sat next to me on her bed, "What's up?"

"It turns out that Symonne's parents were actually able to do something about my dad. I came home from school today and there were several police officers in my driveway. I don't want to stay there. Would it be ok if I stay with you until I figure out what to do? You won't even notice I'm here." I added the last part in a rush.

Jenna chuckled. "Even if I would notice you, you could stay. But if you don't mind me asking, why me? Why not Dylan or Symonne?"

"Staying with Symonne would feel weird. And Dylan, well..." I trialed off but I didn't need to finished my sentence. Jenna finished it for me.

"Does my girl have a crush?" I opened my mouth to say that I didn't know what she was talking about, but I couldn't bring myself to. "Hey, it's ok. You don't need to say anything. You can stay here as long as you need to. My one question is, what are you going to do?"

Heyo! Another chapter in 2 days! You guys are lucky!

Anyway stay safe, stay healthy, and try your best in everything that you do!

Until next time, Sarahs4hearts out

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