Pranking Piper

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Symonne and Emily stared at me and I looked back at them until I looked down at the floor.

"That's a cool coincidence." Symonne said with a smile. I forced a small smile on my face, which was difficult, considering how uncomfortable I was.

Emily and Symonne started to tell me things about other people in the squad. We figured that Piper would assume that Symonne had told me a lot about them if I really was Symonne's sister.

We continued talking until Hunter told us that we should head over to Piper's house. We got into the jeep and Hunter drove us to that magenta house that I knew so well.

Hunter got the camera out and turned it on. "Ok, so we're at Piper's house we're about to start the prank." Symonne said to the camera. "I'm really nervous and I'm hoping that I don't start smiling, because that would ruin the prank."

"So I've set up hidden cameras all around the house. Emily, Laine, how are you guys feeling?" Hunter asked from behind the camera.

"I'm nervous but excited." Emily said.

"I'm hoping that I don't act awed during the prank." I answered in all honesty.

"So the whole squad is inside. Actually, Jentzen, Elliana, and Liana are at Starbucks and they take forever there so we will prank them last." Hunter said.

"Alright! Let's start the prank!" Symonne exclaimed.

I followed Emily and Symonne up to the door where Symonne knocked. Piper opened the door and greeted, "Emily! Symonne! Hi!" And hugged them. "Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Laine." Symonne answered while Piper hugged me.


"My sister." Symonne finished.

Piper let go of me and stepped back. "Wait, what? Your sister?" Symonne nodded. "But you've always said that you're an only child!"

"I've never really been very keen to be on camera or to get attention, so I asked Symonne to just not say anything." I tried. 

"But you could've told me. Told us!" Piper pointed out, sounding a bit hurt. 

"Laine asked me not to." Symonne kept her eyes on the ground and began to play with her fingers. I've got to admit, I'm impressed with her acting. 

"Did you know?" Piper asked Emily who looked everywhere except for where Piper was. "Ok then." Piper crossed her arms and looked at me with a bit of sass. "If you really are her sister, when's her birthday?"

"June 19, 2006." I responded. 

"Favorite color?"


It continued with the back and forth ,including questions about other people in the squad, until Piper finally stopped. "Why did you ask Symonne not to tell her best friends about you? It isn't like we would have said anything!" 

"I don't know." I said with my head down. "I didn't know you and I didn't know if you would say anything or not."

"Ok. Whatever. If you really are Symonne's sister, I don't suppose that you would mind me telling the rest of the squad?" Piper asked with a hint of venom. She turned around and started to go inside.

"No wait." Symonne grabbed Piper's arm.

"I didn't exactly tell you the truth when I said that I don't like being on camera." I told Piper.

"Really? And why is that?"

"Because I AM on camera." I pointed behind me, giggling. 

Hunter came out and Piper groaned. "Why do I always fall for these?!" 

"Shhh!!" Hunter, Emily, Symonne, and I told Piper. "You're the first person that we've pranked!" I explained.

"Ok, so, you...I...what?!" Piper seemed very confused. "So you aren't Symonne's sister?"

"Nope!" I smiled. 

"Although, you two do look like you could be sisters! You look a lot alike!" Piper commented. 

"We really do." I agreed. 

"Well then. Let's try again. Hi! I'm Piper. Nice to meet you! Who are you pranking next?"

"Who's here?" Symonne asked.

"I think that everyone's in the kitchen." Piper answered. 

"Ok." Symonne turned to the camera. "This time, I have an idea. Emily, Piper, how about you act like I've mentioned Laine before."

"Sounds like a plan!" I said. 

Hello all! Sorry for not posting. As you saw in the previous chapter, I'm moving. Which means that I have almost no time to write. It is also SOOOO hot where I am. Around 100 degrees each day which makes it hard to focus. 

Any suggestions, put them in the comments and I will consider putting them into the story!

Stay safe and stay healthy! Sarahs4Hearts out <3

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