Gods and Monsters

Start from the beginning

Thor watched both Iron Men start tear up.

Thor watched both Iron Men start tear up

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"Half. The. Universe." Izuku said changing to a scene.

" Izuku said changing to a scene

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"All starting with him."

The tear stained face twisted into a glare.

"Now instead of The Chitauri it's gonna be Odin." Izuku said.

The scene rewinded showing the entire progression up to that scene.

"Dude." Victor said "Are you ok?"

"No. I'm not. I was fine until..." Izuku closed his eyes and a scene of the hospital with the hammer appearing in his hand. "Until I found out my own Ragnarok was happening."

"Man of Iron. If you can show me how to stop ragnarok I can promise, on my name, my place as future king of Asgard and Mjolnir itself Midgard will be unharmed."

Thor grabbed Izuku's shoulder.

Thor grabbed Izuku's shoulder

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Izuku nodded.

"Why did you need us in here?" Victor asked.

"Because father can scry throughout the universe. Any reflection can be seen." Thor said "it is amazing to use a mindscape to hide from it."

Izuku waved his hand and a coffee table appeared with cups and a pitcher.

Izuku waved his hand and a coffee table appeared with cups and a pitcher

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Iron Man IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now