One more time.


I'm sat there in the same spot who knows who long later. It could've been minutes, hours, days. The same cold feeling buried deep in my chest. He's gone. Again. He's here, but he's not. What was it that he said?

Guilt so strong that it's almost like a little voice in your head.

All the time.

Guilt for betraying people over and over.

Then I think about Dream's guilt. The guilt of murdering someone with your own hands. Watching their face contort in pain, beg for their lives, until finally, finally the last breath escapes their lips and they fall silent. The only thing left is the killer, with blood staining their hands. A constant reminder that they took a life. A life that wasn't theirs to take.

A scream suddenly brings me back to reality. My head instantly snaps in that direction and I stand up, with no hesitation I run into woods. My feet thud on the ground below me, the moon high in the sky.

I hear it again, a cry for help. I know it's only meant for me. It's him. It's Dream.

He needs help.

I stop, scanning my surroundings, trying to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. I hear it again, my name being called. I swivel around to the face the noise, running in that direction. Finally, I see them.

Dream's back is against a tree, Sam in-front of him, weapon drawn.

"I'm taking you back to prison, Dream." Sam warns, his tone hard. "Any chance you had of being free ends now. You've killed Quackity, so unless you revive him right now, you're going straight back to prison."

"I can't use the revive book," Dream responds through gritted teeth. His expression falters for a second, just a second, but enough for me to see something inexplainable. He's not lying.

"Then I'm taking you back to prison, Dream."

No. Please, no.

I didn't think it was going to come to this. My mind wanders back to that conversation many nights ago. I didn't think it would ever really happen...

Sam advances forward, reaching for Dream's wrists. Dream is weaponless, jaw clenched. He doesn't look scared, he's waiting.

I know what he's waiting for. He's waiting for me.

I quickly emerge from my hiding spot, Dream's eyes fill with relief. Sam curses under his breath.

"Y/n, please," his eyes have a pleading look to them. We both know what he's asking for. I hold the dagger in my shaking hands, my whole body trembling. Sam looks between us, managing to grab Dream's other wrist.

Dream and my eyes meet. And all at once I knew everything was forgiven. But I know I'll never forgive Dream for what he's about to make me do. And if I can not forgive him, then who will?

An unfamiliar sob of pain, violent and sudden escapes Dream's mouth. "Please, please, please..." his eyes dart to the dagger in my hands. I shake my head ever so slightly, I can't. "You promised!" He screams, his voice rising in desperation as he squirms in Sam's grasp.

I can only stare at him as tears stream down his face, I'm frozen in place. I grip the dagger tighter in my hand, unable to do anything.

I can't. I can't. I can't.


"Y/n?" He sits up from the obsidian ground, looking my way.

"Yeah?" I answer, idly looking up at him from my spot on the cool floor next to him.

"I need you to promise me something, okay?" My eyes narrow in confusion.

"What is it?" I ask in concern.

"If we make it out of here and they catch us... you have to promise-" his voice breaks. "You have to promise to kill me. Y/n, I rather be dead then have to be here in this hell-hole my whole life." My eyes widen at his request.

"Dream, you know I can't-" I start.

"Promise me," his hand finds mine as he holds it tight. "If the time comes I need you do that for me. Promise me, please..."

I had faltered. Hesitated. Until I saw his face, he meant it, he wanted it. So I agreed.

"I promise."

A/n: new chapter???🤭🤭 I'm sick so I decided to write 🥱 another chapter will be out soon🌝

One More Time (dwt x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora