Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV:

"Do you have food?" I ask. Dream gestures to the corner of the cell where a basket full of potatoes is sitting. I take one and start to eat it, sitting up against the cold obsidian wall. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Could you get on with this glorious plan of yours? I don't wanna spend another minute in here." Dream groans in annoyance.

"I need more time, Wilbur knows what he's doing." I assure calmly as I toss Dream a potato, "eat."

"Not hungry," he throws it back at me with a sigh. I roll my eyes and rest my head against the cool obsidian.

"What's that?" I ask, gesturing towards marks on the wall.

"I marked how many months I've been here, that's what the white tallies are," Dream explains quietly. There are 6 tallies on the wall, but a lot of jagged circles. "The white tallies are the months, and the circles are the days Quackity has come to-" Dream breaks off with a shiver. "To torture me..."

More silence passes.

"I'm sorry," I finally break the silence.

"Whatever," Dream shrugs, I feel my heart grow heavy with guilt.

"I mean you sent that letter for a reason. Did you really mean it?" I ask after a couple of seconds.

"Mean what?" Dream mumbles distractedly.

"The letter..." my voice falters.

"You didn't know-" Dream breaks off with a look of surprise. "Of course Quackity didn't tell you..."

"Tell me what? What happened?" I ask in confusion.

"Quackity-" Dream pauses, his hand flies to a scar on his cheek as closes his eyes shut. "Quackity forced me to write you that letter..." my eyes widen in shock.

The letter being fake hurts even more. Even through what I did Dream didn't leave me, he didn't push me away. More silence passes, I feel a lump form in my throat.

"Why?" Dream asks finally. I sigh, we both know what he's asking about.

"I don't know-" I start.

"Of course you fucking know!" Dream yells, cutting me off.

"Listen, I'm sorry..." I repeat quietly.

"You always are," Dream scoffs. "You're always fucking sorry," my mind instantly remembers that night. That night that seems so long ago, that night when the wind and rain was stinging my face. That night when I was still his hostage. That night when he had said the same thing...

"Dream, I played along in your little game! I sided with you when nobody else would!" I argue.

"Yeah, but when I wasn't there, when I couldn't be there for you, you betrayed me," Dream shakes head sadly. "You left me when I needed you most..."

"Don't act all innocent, Dream! You've used me from the start, I was just something for you to mess around with when you were bored!" I yell. "You said it yourself, our relationship wasn't ever supposed to be real, it wasn't supposed to happen!"

One More Time (dwt x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα