Lap 6 - Returning to the Sky

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Everything has settled down now that the Second World Grand Prix is over. However, that's not the case for Accelerator and his friends.

Immediately after the race was over, they headed towards their next destination, Babylon Garden.

As of right now, Accelerator, Dive, and Lance are riding across the desert on their Extreme Gears. While as for Echo and Sapphire, they are riding along as well on Echo's hoverbike.

Ever since the last World Grand Prix half a year ago, the floating island itself slowly wandered around the desert after finally being awakened after millions of years.

So Babylon Garden is a little far away and not in the same location where Sonic, Jet, and their friends were last time.

Back to Accelerator and the group, they continue riding down in the direction where the sun is setting.

Most of them were going up and down the dunes and avoiding big ones. But for Dive, he playfully enjoys as he ramps and jumps off the dunes, performing sick tricks every time.

Echo: Hey, Dive! For crisis sake, we're trying to get to Babylon Garden. We don't have time play around.

Dive: Oh come on, dude! We're still a long way away from where we're going. What's the harm in having fun the rest of the way?

Echo: Geez...

Accelerator: *laughs*It's okay, Echo. Besides, it's not like we're in a rush or something. We can just take our time and enjoy the ride.

As everyone kept riding down, Lance who's out at the front was the first one to notice the object up in the sky becoming clearer from the sun's light.

Lance: Hey!

Everyone turned their attention towards Lance.

Lance: There's something up ahead.

Accelerator's heart started to beat faster, so he accelerated first ahead of the group to get a closer look.

And as he expected, he finally reached his destination.

And as he expected, he finally reached his destination

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Accelerator: *whistles*There she is...

Dive: Whoa, dude, that looks like a floating island!

Sapphire: Is... Is that Babylon Garden?

Accelerator: It definitely is, Sapphire. ...My home.

Sapphire: My goodness. Accel, it looks so beautiful.

Accelerator: Heh, thanks Sapphire. But just wait until we get up close, you'll love it even more! ...Although I can't believe it's floating in the sky after all this time. It's just like how I remembered it.

Echo: Apparently the island appeared back at the last Grand Prix. As soon as the whole tournament was over, the winner used seven mysterious jewels to rise it back up from the sand.

Lance: How is that possible? One person just woke up a huge island? That doesn't make sense.

Echo: I don't blame you Lance, I don't know it either. All I saw was him holding a mysterious cube and those seven jewels seemed to have... resonated with it.

Accelerator: So who was that person? And those seven jewels?

Echo: I don't know, it all happened so fast. But whoever that person was seemed to have some connection with Babylon Garden.

Accelerator: *thoughts*That could only mean there are still other Babylonians out there... And that person was-

Echo: As for the jewels... Don't know what they exactly are. But if I were to take a guess as an engineer, they seemed to be the components to awaken it or something.

Dive: Hey dudes, sorry to burst your bubbles, but we're getting close to the huge island.

As soon as Dive said that, the group raised their heads and looked up at the sky to see they are almost under the floating island.

Accelerator: Alright, we're here! Come on you guys, let's do this!

Accelerator turned around to see everyone nodding to him. That's when everyone immediately took action.

They come across a huge dune up ahead, and everyone used it to ramp.

The second they're in mid-air, their Extreme Gears' air booster system skyrocketed and sent them flying up high in the air like rockets.

Accelerator and Dive were enjoying the thrill of going up so high and so fast, Lance was focused, and Echo was enjoying it too while Sapphire was holding onto his back very tightly.

Eventually they got high enough until they saw the whole land of Babylon Garden from up high in the air.

Everyone was surprised and amazed in seeing the view of what looked like paradise for a moment.

Accelerator: Heh, it didn't get old.

But after that moment, the Riders started fall from the sky while still on their Gears.

Thanks to them being on their Gears, they are gliding down to the island gracefully.

It took them a while, but finally they landed on what appears to be a track and immediately rode down the road.

It took them a while, but finally they landed on what appears to be a track and immediately rode down the road

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Dive: Whoo hoo! That was gnarly, dudes! We literally landed on a floating island.

Lance: I suppose we should give our thanks to Echo.

Echo: Eh, it was no big deal. All I did was tweaked you guys' air booster system and added some additional thrusters linking to the core engine.

Accelerator: Alright guys, stay on your toes. I know this place like the back of my spines. Just follow my lead.

Sapphire: Accel. Don't worry about us, we're with you all the way.

Accelerator then sees the others smiling and nodding.

Accelerator: You guys... Alright, here we go!

To be continued...

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