Prologue - The Black Blur

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Metal City... one of the sections in Future City where its famous because the first EX World Grand Prix was hosted there.

Here in this futuristic city, there are massive skyscrapers and fast cars populating the area.

And many Mobians of different animal species enjoy their everyday lives in peace.

But within this city... There are special individuals who have the power to lift the spirits of others and bring a next evolution of racing.

Riders. Racers who ride on Extreme Gears, special hoverboards that use the power of air to hover and go at extreme speeds.

Riders see the world differently than most, they ride with the wind. The roads, walls, and even rooftops become pathways and merely playgrounds for them to ride on.

The power of the air keeps them riding, keeps them breathing... keeps them alive.

After seeing the scenery of Metal City, the sight of shops and Mobians talking with one another, it focuses on a sight of a crossway.

From there, it focuses on the sight of a pretty light-blue female hedgehog, with dark-blue, tarp-like clothes named Sapphire Stone.

Sapphire is waiting with a group of other people before crossing the street.

As soon as the sign turns green, Sapphire was about to go across.

But suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck was closing in fast and about to hit her.

Sapphire: Oh no! Look out-!

However, at the last few seconds, Sapphire was moved out of the way in time by a strange shadow.

The truck then crashed into a wall, getting the civilians attention at what happened.

When Sapphire opened her eyes, she found herself carried by the hands of her savior riding on a Extreme Gear.

This savior happens to be none other than the protagonist himself, Accelerator the Hedgehog.

Accelerator: Are you okay?

Sapphire: Y-Yes, I'm alright. Um, are you the one who saved me?

Accelerator gently put Sapphire down on her feet while still on his Extreme Gear.

Accelerator: Be careful next time. You need to think fast to be fast.

He then rode away on the road, leaving the scene.

Sapphire: Wait-! ...That person. Could he be... a Rider?

Sapphire showed a curious look before she ran to where Accelerator was going.


Sapphire is seen running throughout the city, trying to find where her savior went.

Sapphire: *pant**thoughts*Where did he go? I didn't have the chance to thank him yet.

As Sapphire exited out of an alleyway, she stumbled to what appears to be a crowd of civilians and Riders alike.

When Sapphire got a closer look, she realized what she saw around her.

Sapphire: That's right! I forgot there was a race challenge today.

Ever since the first EX World Grand Prix came to a close, Metal City created an event for rookie Riders to participate in practice racing. Therefore, bringing new generation of Riders to participate in a new World Grand Prix.

While inspired by the sight, Sapphire saw something up in the sky.

Who happens to be the previous announcer of last Grand Prix, Omochao.

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