Old Memories - Old! Luchino x Old! Melly

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 A few children are sitting around near the couch where their grandmother is at. Their grandmother has grey colored hair in a bun with a braid in it and she's wearing a green dress. She has a photo album laying on her lap. The children, four of them, looked very excited. She opens the photo album. All of the photos are in black and white.

"Grandma Melly, is that you?" One of the grandchildren pointed at a photo of a young girl around their age.

"Yes, that was me when I was just a young lass. Oh, that was such a long time ago. Oh, here's one of my 6th birthday." Melly said to her grandchildren. She points to a photo of a young, 6 years old Melly with some cake on the corner of her mouth. Melly turns the page and shows a few more pictures of her in school. The grandchildren are definitely excited to see how their grandmother was when she was younger. Melly finally gets to a page of herself around her 20's. There is a picture of her being 20 years old sitting in a chair and a man behind her.

"Grandma Melly." One of her granddaughters said.

"Yes, sweetie?" Melly asked.

"That's not Grandpa." Her granddaughter said.

"Yeah, where is Grandpa?" One of her grandsons asked.

"Oh, well dearies, I was married to someone else before I met your grandfather. Of course, the marriage between me and the man in the photo didn't work out well." Melly said to the grandchildren.

"I wanna see a photo of grandpa!" One of the granddaughters said and the other children agreed with her. Melly nods and skips a couple of pages until she gets to a page with a big photo. The photo is of Melly around either her late 20s or early 30s. In the photo, Melly is in her wedding dress, holding a bouquet, and has a veil tied to her hair bun. Standing next to her is a tall man with shoulder length hair with a braid and glasses. The man is wearing a tuxedo. The two are smiling and look happy in the photo.

"Yay, it's Grandpa!" the grandchildren cheered. Melly showed the children more pictures of her and Grandpa. There's pictures of the two on picnics, going out to dinner at restaurants, walks in the park, and there's even a photo of the two going to the fair. All of the photos are black and white.

"Grandma, I miss Grandpa." One of Melly's granddaughters said with a frown. Melly nods in agreement. Soon more family members come into the room. Mostly just Melly's children and their spouses.

"We just got dinner ready." One of Melly's daughters said.
"Go ahead, I'll join in a bit." Melly said. Everyone goes into the dining room, except for Melly. Melly closes the photo album and grabs her walking cane. She walks over to her bedroom. She opens the door and walks in. She walks over to a bookcase and grabs a specific photo album. She walks over to the bed and sits down on it. She sets her cane down next to her left side on the bed.

She opens up the album and there are more black and white photos. However, in these photos are Melly when she was in the Oletus Manor. A few photos with her and the other survivors that were there. She goes to the fifth page and there are pictures with her husband, Luchino. She told her children and grandchildren she met Luchino by walking into him on the street. That was definitely a lie. She met him at the manor. Melly was a survivor and Luchino was a hunter. She starts remembering the first day she and her husband actually meet.


Melly just got done with a match and it was a loss. Melly screwed up a kite at the beginning. Vera, William, and Norton give her glares. Melly went to her room after that. Melly felt alone, like there weren't many people there that relate to her or show kindness. She makes one wrong move and gets yelled at by others. Around night time she goes to the garden and sits down on a bench. She looks at the stars.

"I wish there was someone here that understood me." Melly said to herself. She didn't see anyone else here, but unknown to her, she was wrong. There was someone watching her, someone that admired her for awhile, but was too afraid to say anything. She sees a shooting star.

"Please shooting star, I don't want to feel alone anymore." Melly wished. Melly walks away and the next day she had a match that changed her life forever. Her, Emily, Emma, and Naib are up against Evil Reptilian. Melly never went up against him before. Melly wasn't working on a cipher, she saw a cute butterfly.

She failed to realize she was the only survivor left. Soon she hears heartbeats. She turns around and Evil Reptilian is right behind her. Melly backs into a wall. She summons her bugs. She was about to move away, but Evil Reptilian grabbed her hand.

"Wait! Don't leave!" The lizard man plead. Melly turns around and she sees how nervous he seemed.

"I..saw you at the beginning. I want to give you the dungeon. I also...um..wanted to say you...smell." Luchino said.

"I stink?" Melly asked.

"Ye- I mean no, you smell nice. You smell sweet, like h-honey." Evil Reptilian said.

"I do? Thank you! No one's really complimented my scent. Vera always mocks me and calls me "Smelly Melly." Melly said.

"Melly is your name?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm Melly Plinius, and your name?" Melly asked.

"Luchino...Luchino Diruse." Luchino said. The two agreed to meet at the garden that night and Luchino let Melly get the dungeon.

Flashback Ended

Melly remembered how much she and Luchino talked about that night and had in common. Melly sighed happily. She only went to that manor for funds for her research. She never expected to meet the love of her life there. Melly continues to look through more photos, more memories. She failed to notice someone at the opened doorway.

At the doorway is her husband, Luchino. He just got home from the bakery. His back is slightly hunch, he still wears glasses, and his hair is white. He still keeps it in a braid. He looks at his wife looking at a photo album.

"Honey." Luchino said.

"Oh, you're finally home, Luchi." Melly said. He smiles at her and sits next to her.

"Oh, you're looking at that album." Luchino said and Melly nodded. The two looked at the album together. They get to a page before Luchino got the cure to become human again and after photos. The two kept looking through pages until they heard someone else at the door. They looked to see their 2nd child, their daughter, Melissa.

"Mom, Dad, the rest of the family is waiting for you to eat the dessert." Melissa said and she walked away.

"Oh, we better join them, dear." Melly said. She grabs her hand and gets off the bed. Luchino gets off the bed and kisses his wife on the cheek.

"I love you, honey." Luchino said to Melly. He walks to the doorway.

"Oh, I love you too, Luchi." Melly said. The two walk to the dining room to join the rest of their family for dessert. 

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