"The Incident Document A1"

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The Incident Or Commonly Known As The Second Tumbleclore Revolution. Occurred When Hersh Fired {REDACTED}and His Administration. From The Influence of Darth_Mader and Later Turned The  turned the Entire Country of Tumbleclore into a Deep Stage of Despair.  This Sparked the Fre-Men Rebel forces to be the army to fight against The Tumbleclore. Army. They have multiple safe-houses across the Union. And have Influence outside Tumbleclore and know all the hidden secrets in the country. Though Sadly two months later all the Allies of The Fre-Men Forces turned on them and abandoned them leaving them to evacuate all there safehouses and flee to The New Frontier. While Darth_Mader Destroyed years of work and progress.  The state of the Country is in Disarray. With on and off Leadership transfers uncertainty in the country runs deep. As Despair is pillaged through all its citizens.

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