
"Because of the Cold Ones. It's a risk for our families if we ever drop our guard."

"Cold Ones? That's real too?!" Paul's hand went to his hair in disbelief. "That's not just a myth?!"

" Myth?? Paul! What did you think the Patrols were for?!"

"I thought they were like some weird time outs!"

"Oh my God. Paul!" Jared ran his hand over his face. "What are we going to do?"

"Okay wait. Wait. Calm down. ... I have a plan."


When Azazel got to school, albeit later than normal, she had helped the hysterical Ms. Uley relay the details of Sam's disappearance to Chief Swan , she found herself bombarded at lunch.

"Azazel!" Jared screeched running to hug her, a move which she dodged causing him to stumble into a trash can. "Ow!" She lifted an unimpressed eyebrow and picked him up with little preamble. "Thanks!"

Paul was sitting down with his tray of food already waiting for the two of them. Normally Leah would be joining them... but with Sam not only breaking up with Leah but completely going AWOL she had turned to her own friends.

"Lahote." Azazel greeted, a forced smile on her face.

Jared  and Paul shuddered. "What the hell is that?"

"It's a smile! Sam told me to be nicer to you guys so I'm trying it out!"

"He said be nice not kill Batman!" Paul fought off his own laughter.

"Fuck you." Azazel grumbled settling down on her spot while Paul winked. Finally Azazel gathered the words on her tongue and announced "Sam's missing." Unlike she expected the two boys didn't react.  Instead they continued chewing. "Did you guys hear me?"

"Well we kinda knew?" Paul shrugged. "He wrote Jared a letter telling him he was taking off."

Azazel's eyes widened a fraction before she nodded ignoring the churn in her stomach. Why wouldn't Sam notify his second in command? "Okay. Then what's the plan Jared?"

Jared choked on his milk "Why ask Jared?" Paul affronted slapping Jared's back

"He's the second in command? That's the whole point of his stance when Sam's gone." Azazel spoke calmly reaching into her bag to pull out the lunch Charlie had packed for her. When she came up Jared had finished choking and was looking nervous. "What? Spit it out."

"Well in the letter he said you were in charge?"

Azazel blinked trying to register the words. "He said what?"

"That he leaves it all to you oh Great Bitch." Paul grinned sliding up and was promptly knocked over as Azazel punched him causing Jared to lose a few shades and Paul's jaw to turn purple.


"He said you were in charge of us until he got back!" Jared's hands covered his face as Azazel loomed threateningly over him. "He trusts you more than me!"


"I'd show you the letter but I lost it! Please don't hurt me!"

Slowly Azazel's fingers unfurled along Jared's collar and he sank to the floor. Vaguely Azazel could register the sound of his thudding heart and the sound of Paul sitting back in his seat.

"Az?" Paul murmured softly and Azazel slunk back into her seat. "So what's the game plan?"

"I'll take the first shift after school, and I'll text you two when it's your turn for your shift." Azazel answered. He trusts her? Sam trusts her by choice. "Tomorrow it will be written down so you have time to plan around it. I'm gonna go, I have a test I need to make up for when I missed school the other day." She reached over lightly punching Paul's arm and left.

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