"you're so whipped, never thought Sammy would ever be like this" they both tell me but in a playful tone and I agree myself.

The rest of the day I spend chilling with skate and Joshua and lowkey everytime my phone goes off I wish it's from crystal but not my lucky day. I guess.

I feel like such a little girl, waiting for that one person to fuckin call you. I am getting this giddy feeling and I am not used to it so I try to shrug it off.

Skate and me stop Joshua off and skate's driving me to my house.

"Dude, did Ad saying anything about me and crystal you know ..." I trail off, this better not get awkward. I mean things don't really get awkward between me and him but still.

"not really, I guess she was just..." He looks off to the road. "surprised" he chuckles and i relax my shoulders.

So nothing to worry about there. Ad is chill, I don't want her thinking she wasn't good enough for me or like start any girl drama with crystal , you know them girls , how they get sometimes.

I left crystal and couple of texts well more like ... 20. I feel so clingy I need to be stopped. God. Ughhhhh. I am so frustrated.

The whole day passes and not a word from crystal. I find myself laying in bed, thinking about her, jesus , I sound like a whinny little bitch, I know right?

I guess everything has a first.

Crystal's POV

The next morning I wake up in the fimiliar bed, my own bed, I smile at the thought of being home , home with my older sister, well my aunt but she's like my older sister.

A frown takes over my face as I turn over and realize, no more waking up to Sam.

The first thing I do is find my phone and put it on charge. Sam is probably freaking out.

Meanwhile, i open my suitcase and put everything back in it's place. I like being organized so yeah.

Not gonna lie, i missed my room , it's so me.

It's a bright sunny day out so I decide to straighten my hair and put it up in a ponytail and wear a navy blue romper that falls till my mid thighs.

I open my phone and look through my texts, gotta say I am not surprised to see "(27)" texts from Sam.

I also have texts from all of Sam's friends, well Skate, Gilinsky and Emily , those 3 are the ones I hung out with the most and clicked with anyway.

I open Sam's text.

*how the fuck can you leave with saying goodbye*
*i already miss you*
*return my damn calls*
*i didn't even get a goodbye kiss :(*

All the texts basically explained how mad he is over me leaving without saying goodbye. Well .

I call him right away and he picks up after 2 rings.

"Hi, finally" I hear him sigh and I smile to myself.

"I figured it was easier to leave while you were asleep" I confess.

"yea right I was going crazy here.. without you" he says, his voice tired?

"Hey did you sleep well? You sound tired" I ask.

"no I was out all night partying" he scoffs. For a second I believed him, but obviously that's him bring sarcastic.

I let go of a laugh and talk "So how are you?" I ask. We haven't really talked im the phone much before.

Unexpected (A Sammy Wilk FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon