My hair was pulled up smoothly and decorated with several small braids that rounded my head here and there, alongside strategically placed pink ribbons and a few pearls. Several wavy strands of loose hair hung free in front, framing my face, as well as a few that had been curled, in the back.

A pink ribbon that held a single pearl had been tied, taught, around my neck as a simple kind of necklace and in my ears were small pearl studs. I was also given a hooded cloak that matched in color and had the same pastel silk flowers as the dress embroidered around just the edges.

Once I joined everyone downstairs, with Cordelia in toe, only a few minutes remained until it was time for the two of us to depart. None of them let their faces betray them as I glided down the steps, though it was obvious that they were doing their best not to stare too long or really acknowledge me in general. Mother looked slightly proud, but I knew she had only felt pride for what she had done to make me look so pretty, rather than actually being proud of me instead.

"Do you understand what it is that you are supposed to do?" Father had his arms folded across his chest.

"I am to go in Adela's stead, not get sent home too soon but also not stay long enough to be chosen." I maintained a neutral face and an understanding tone, trying not to provoke them. I was only moments away from being rid of them for quite a while, if not forever.

"And?" Mother hissed with one brow raised.

"I am not to seduce the prince." I added.

I only had to bear it for a few moments longer, then I would have been free. To be away from my family was something I had waited for since I was old enough to understand their hate, and finally, my wish had been granted.

"You will need this before you go." Mother handed me a mask that I had not noticed her holding.

I took it in my hands and inspected it. The mask was made of porcelain and had been painted partially gold. It was made to encompass the entire face, from the chin to the hairline, and the only holes it had were for seeing. Inside, behind the painted mouth, was a button that was meant to be bitten down on. It served two purposes; one, to help hold the mask firmly onto one's face, and two, to keep one from speaking.

"What is this for?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"The Queen requires all girls wear them from the moment they leave their carriages until they are told to remove them by her and only her. You must not remove the hood of your cloak, nor these gloves, as well." She threw two wrist length white gloves at me. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lady, I understand." Quite the contrary, I in fact had no idea why I was being forced to wear it. I suppose it added to the mysteriousness of us all. But preventing us from speaking was rather uncalled for.

"Then be off with you." Father motioned for me to leave with no hint of grief in his eyes.

Mother did not tell me any farewells, rude or kind, and Adela did not speak at all. She just had this look on her face that read, "I know something you do not."

However, right before I walked out the door, Adela called after me, "So long little sister, I do hope you enjoy what is waiting for you. You deserve it." The amount of pure hatred and pleasure in her eyes nearly made me stop in place.

I did not know what her words had meant, at the time, but I had been unsettled, and something in me knew that she was not saying it just to toy with me. She meant every single word that slithered out of her mouth.

I looked her in the eye and let out a little laugh with a crooked smile on my face. "Goodbye, Adela."

I watched the confidence melt from her face as she realized something. I was not, and had never been, as weak as she once thought I was. That the image in which she had constructed of me had shattered and she had found herself looking at a complete stranger.

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