Zwei takes immediate interest in Fenris and the two start interacting with each other.

(Y/n): *slight chuckle* Not bad, Ruby.

Blake: Come on out, Spooky.

Spooky: *appears from poke'ball* Purrloin.

Weiss: Let's go, Snowflake.

Snowflake: *appears from poke'ball* Vulpix.

Yang: Let's get to work, Scorchimp.

Scorchimp: *appears from poke'ball* Chimchar.

Charizard: *low warning growl*

(Y/n): What is it, bud?

Oobleck: Grimm, approximately 100 yards from us at this very moment.

We all turn around and, indeed, we see a Grimm wandering around the ruins of the city. We all ready our weapons, but-

Oobleck: Wait. It may only be here because it's attraction to negative emotions. Sadness, fear, anger. All emotions held by our group harboring ill intent.

Yang: What do we do?

Oobleck: We wait, we track. If the specimen leads us to it's pack, it may lead us to our prey.

(Y/n): Well, how long do we wait?

Oobleck: Unclear, hours, days, weeks. Why lone Grimm have been known to stay separated from the pack for months, and there's the whole pack.

More Grimm appear.

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: And now they've seen us.

Weiss: What?!

Oobleck: And now they've seen us!

(Y/n): I suppose following them is out of the question.

Oobleck: An accurate assumption, yes.

Yang: What now?

Oobleck: ..... Show me what you're capable of.

3rd Person POV

(Y/n): Alright team, I'll break up their ranks. *grabs Poke'ball* Rhypherior, use Stone Edge!

Rhyperior: *appears from poke'ball* Rhyperior!

Rhyperior punches it's fist into the ground and large rocks erupt from the ground and break up the Grimm pack. The team then starts taking out the pack, Scorchimp hops on Yang's shoulder and uses Ember on a Beowulf, Yang then punches it in the head. Blake managed to attract quite a few Grimm, one leaped at her, but she used her Semblance to dodge and then cut the Grimm in half, she did this with a few of the others, she then launched her grapple at the last one and tossed it into the air where Charizard destroyed it with Flame Burst. (Y/n) is taking a more active role in taking down these Grimm, he punches left disorienting one allowing Rhyperior to slam it's club-like tail on it. (Y/n) then rushed at one and kicked it's shin, he then jumped back to avoid tge Grimm's jaws, he ran back in and leapt at it, in midair he wrapped his legs around the Grimm's neck and with all his might, he did a backflip, pulling the monster to the ground. (Y/n) let go and got back to his feet faster than the Grimm did, when the Grimm got to one knee, (Y/n) back in and launched himself off the Grimm's knee and kneed the Grimm in the bottom of it's jaw and then landing back on the ground.

(Y/n): Hawlucha! I choose you!

Hawlucha: *appears from Poke'ball* Hawlucha!

(Y/n): Use High Jump Kick!

Hawlucha takes out the Grimm with one knee to the head.

(Y/n): Rhyperior, use Earthquake!

Rhyperior slams both fists on the ground causing the earth to shake violently disorienting all the grimm and even destroying a few.

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