I got down on the mat in the gym and started doing pushups.  Somewhere during my 105th count I was disturbed.

‘Alpha there are unfamiliar scents in our land, heading south’, Egan, my third-in-command said through the pack link.

I immediately got off the floor and began to stretch out the muscles in my arms.  I hate rogues.  They have attacked our pack too many times, and they killed my mother.

Follow the scent, I’ll join you soon,’ I answered back to him through the pack link.

‘Hey, this scent is similar to the one we had come through a few days ago, except there is one unusual scent with it this time,’ Terence said through the link.

Within minutes I reached where the others had shown me they were through the pack link.   Egan and others of the pack were in their wolf forms running beside the road, following after three black cars.  I shifted into my huge black wolf and started running after one of the cars.

When I reached the car, the man in the passenger seat looked to me and waved his hand in a goodbye gesture.  I growled at him.  Terence quickly came up beside me and Egan ran on the other side of the car, the rest of the pack chasing behind.

 ‘Do you smell that?’ Terence asked me.

‘Smell what?’ I snapped at him, trying to stay focused on the chase.

That sweet smell’

‘Rogues don’t smell sweet,’ I told him.

The man in the passenger seat was smirking widely at me and his eyes were now deep black.  The car began to speedup.   I wanted this son of a bitch dead.  I ran faster, trying to keep up with the car and left Terence far behind as he slowed. 

They have a girl with them,’ Egan told me through the link in worry. ‘I think they are kidnapping her.’

There was no sign of Terence now.  ‘Where are you?’ I asked him through the link annoyed.

‘I can’t understand the smell,’ he answered.

What the hell is wrong with him?  Ignoring him I looked back to the cars.  I could see ahead of me in the second car there was a young girl.  She was asleep like she had been drugged and her hair had fallen to cover her face.  I could see a piece of cloth in her mouth that must have been covered with what they had used to drug her.  She was being kidnapped.

I pushed ahead of the second car and jumped out onto the road, standing on all fours in front of them.  The pack quickly came to where I was and stood their ground with me, all except Terence.  He is going to get a blow from me later for his actions.

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