In Between Two

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Mild mature content! Just a pinch ;)

Spare Me Alpha But I Want Your Beta

Chapter 20

In Between Two.

Alexa's POV

He wouldn't I thought to myself as Nick stood head to head with Nate. My poor Nate not knowing what the hell is going on. What do I do?

"What the fuck is your problem Nick?" Nate growled looking at Nick who was shaking on the verge to shift. "You're my fucking problem Nate because you can't seem to keep your dick in your pants!" Nick hissed. Nate's chest began bulk as he was now pissed, their noses practically touching.

"What the fuck are you talking about Nick!? As your friend I’m asking you to back away from me before I do something I'll regret." Nate said pushing Nick back. Nick let out a merciful laugh, then out of nowhere through a punch straight to Nate's jaw knocking Nate back a few steps. I gasp covering my mouth with my hands. All hell was about to break loose. Oh god I had to do something before Nick slips at the mouth and calls me his mate. Just as fast as I reached out to land my hand on Nick’s arm, he was gone. Nate had went for him taking him down. They went blow for blow. I yelled and panicked called out for Adam or Marcus.

'Adam! Marcus! Come out back Nate and Nick are fighting!’

'Don't do this Nick you made your decision let me be. You can't attack Nate every time he is with me! Please let it go. You're going to hurt him! Please.' I pleaded with him.

Just then Adam came running towards them with Marcus behind. They were able to pull each of them apart. Thank goodness they weren't in wolf form, they wouldn’t have been able to be pulled apart. Tears ran down my face, this wasn’t going to work! Me being here was just going to cause problems. When Nick looked up at me his demeanor changed. His body stop trembling he snatched his arm away from Adam.

He looked back to Nate. "Fix this shit! I don't want she wolves going at it over you in front of the other pack members! You’re their fuck'en beta act like one." He growled and and walked off. Nate stood there for a second staring at his friend in disbelief. Nick turned towards Addison, before I could bling he had her by the throat. She yelped trying to pry Nick's hands off her.

"YOU... Will never lay a hand on her again! Whatever unresolved issues you have with Nathaniel you address them him. Do you understand me?!” she whimpered. “If I hear or even catch you thinking about harming her I will rip your throat." Nick said. I watched stunned as everyone else, as he let her go she fell to the ground gasping for air. Right, before he past me he stopped and closed his eyes inhaling quickly. The look of regret and hurt crossed his face. I winced a little, how did I get myself into this? Why? We agreed on the rejection why does he keep forcing the bond between us.

'He loves us it’s part of who we are, his wolf will never love another like he loves his mate no matter how weak the bond my get.' My wolf whispered.

'I love Nate! Nick and I can never be.'

I looked up at Nate who was dumbfounded at what just happened, his jaw swollen and bloody from the impact of Nick fist. I wanted to tell him everything I did, but I couldn't find it in me. Nate will never accept me if he finds out that I am the Alpha's mate. They are brothers. He probably would feel like he's betraying him, and I'm afraid of losing him.

"Nate, let's go home." I said wrapping my arm his waist, letting his warmth envelope me trying to shake him from his lost expression.

"What the hell just happen?" He asked more to himself then to me. I tried lightening the mode. "I don't know but I’m very cold and naked under this jacket and I need someone to warm me up." A smile formed on his swollen lips he looked even more sexy, anything that was on his mind at that moment vanished. He looked at me placing a kiss on my head. "I have just the thing to warm you up." He said I laughed while he guiding me towards the parking area.

Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon