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Nathaniel's POV

After I walked away from Alexa I followed the guys to the media room where we were going to watch the boxing fight with Mayweather and Pacquiao. It was going to be a good one. The guys found there spots while I settled in mine. I never really have time to hang out in here, and when I do it's on rare occasions like this one but we would go over to Nick's because his media room is three times bigger than mine. This was more Mason's second room. I shook my head all the times I found him sprawled out in here controller in hand.

"Nate, man how the hell did you get that innocently hot looking she-wolf?" Matt said. I narrowed my eyes he raised his hands in surrender. "Watch you tongue Matt! She's mine." he laughed. "Sorry, dude your so damn angry all the time I’m surprised she didn't run for the hills." I narrowed my eyes at him until Adam spoke.

"So you want to tell us what happen earlier with Addison? What going on Nate? You could have killed her." I sighed I guess I should have known this conversation was coming.

"We'll she shouldn't have brought my parents up like the way she did the was a low blow. She's lucky I didn't rip her fuck'en throat off. Now you know Alexa didn't attack her because she was attacked by Mason and was pass out in my room even Mary knew this."

"Dude, I think you got yourself a stage five psycho. She was frantically saying she needed you. She wanted no one else but you by her side. It was crazy." Marcus said.

"Well I hope she knows not to pull that shit again. I never in my life have I given her or any other girl indication that I wanted a committed relationship it was sex that's all! She never slept over my house ever since she showed up here the other da, and she seem Alexa here she's been off man. I don't want her anywhere near Alexa." I stated. Just an image if her trying to harm Alexa had me seeing red.

"Did you tell Alexa what happened?" Adam asked. I shook my head. "No and I don't plan to because I don't want to worry her the day before presenting her to the pack. The reason I had Addison confess her lie was so that when Alexa meets the rest of the pack members they won't treat her like the enemy. It's bad enough that they already know she's rogue, but she's nothing like that." I stated.

"We know that, but I still think it’s wise to tell her what went down. I’m just saying I know when I hide things from Christine she will torture me the worst possible way." Adam shivered at the thought.

"What's that Adam? She won't feed you?" Matt chuckled.

"Worst man... She holds out on me for days, and torchers me by wearing sexy lingerie around the house. I tell her anything she asks, without a doubt"

"Whoa!" The guys said in unison.

"I don't think I'll have that problem. First I’m not hiding anything, I’m just not telling her now." I stated annoyed.

"Nate man Addison is not going to let you go just like that. You can't tell me you don't see that the girl is in love with you? And love can make you do crazy things which was a perfect earlier today." Michael stated the guys all nodded in agreement. I think there taking this a little overboard she'll be fine as long...

"You guys can't mention anything about what happened today. I don't want to even hear Addison's name." I stated my blood boiled at the mere mention of her name. I prayed to god that was the last of her antics. The guys nodded in disbelief. I'll tell her after everything is settled and she is officially apart of the pack so if there is any problems we will be able to link each other. I thought to myself.

"Have you spoke to Nick? He’s been secluded the past couple months then they go off without a word. Is there something I don't know?" Adam asked he and Nick were just as close but it wasn't my place to give away any of there information on there baby issues. "Nah man but you should talk to him when he gets back." I heard the girls call out to us that dinner was ready.

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