Welcome To Robloxia City

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In Finali villa, in the midst of Robloxia City, sits four people who live together. Four people who work together on a regular basis. One who has an affinity for mazes, one who connects with others well, one who hides his demonic side, and one who tends to look long and hard for secrets.

Well, those aren't their defining qualities, but they are prominent, related to the wishes they made.

"I wish to escape from this maze that's trapped me."

"I wish to be able to connect with them."

"I wish I had a human form."

"I wish to be able to figure out the truth, and tell people about it."

Strange wishes, but knowing their backstories may make these dear wishes make sense in the future. After all, they were all desperate when they made them.

Magical girls, what an anime trope. Make a wish with a little furry alien, who can grant any wish you desire! But watch out! You will have to become a magical girl in exchange, and fight Witches. Little do the magical girls know, when they make this deal they are selling their soul. Turning into creatures that are less than human in the process. They often only find out later.

Like this group did.

For now, though, all they're doing is playing a video game. Well, two of them are. One is watching over them, and one is trying his damn hardest to fall asleep.

"Hey, give me that!"

"Too slow, loser."

Kreek and Tanqr are playing a co-op game, and they're squabbling. As they are always doing. Kreek is getting very annoyed, whereas Tanqr is remaining calm.

"C'mon guys, don't fight that much, you need to work together after all!" Ashley says, laughing at the two fighting.

"Well I don't know why you wanted me to work with him, cause it never works out!"

"We fight Witches together all the time Kreek, what are you on about?"

Hyper is tossing and thrashing in his bed, desperately trying to sleep. Eventually, he gets tired of the noise and sits up.

"Guys, it's like eleven at night. Go the hell to sleep!"

"Wait, it is?" Tanqr looks at the clock. "Oh shoot, it is."

"Yeah, that's enough for today, boys." Ashley chuckles, going to switch off the console. "We might have to fight more tomorrow."

"I hope so." Kreek says, standing up and getting ready to leave to the second bedroom, where he and Tanqr reside. "Wonder what witch we might get to fight?"

"Or a rumour, if the Magius says anything about it.." Hyper says, finally getting to rest in his bed now that the TV is off. "I haven't heard any new ones recently, so I'm not quite sure."

"I suppose we'll find out in the morning." Ashley places her soul gem on her bed's headrest and goes to switch off the lights of the room.

There is one more bed in her and Hyper's room.

There used to be one more occupant of Finali Villa.

He's gone now.


Elsewhere, on a different side of Robloxia City, sits three Magical Girls around a table discussing their next moves. Each wears the same badge showcasing a bullet with wings on it.

"So how is that rumour going, Russo?"

"There's a slight issue." The blue one fiddles with the wristband around his arm. In this universe, it's a sign of who is a magical girl. "I want to have a human - or at least a humanoid - be the centre of this rumour, not just the birds."

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