It was the first time in almost five years since he hugged me, actually since anyone did that. I don't count Liebe, since he's smaller than an average human, he isn't even human in the first place. Even the Vermillions don't hug me, for when they tried, I felt really uncomfortable. After a moment my father realized what he was doing, for he let me go and stood up. He coughed and looked away, seemingly embarassed for getting carried away.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with his normal, serious tone.

"Good" I lied.

My ribs hurt and I had trouble breathing, not mentioning my dry as a desert throat, but the faster hesends me to the tower, the less awkward moments we'll have.

"That's... good. Why did you go out earlier?" I heard dissappointment in his voice, something I was moreor less used to. I shrugged my shoulders. "You could've gotten hurt" He said sounding irritated, his voicesubtly cracking.

"So what?" I asked with the most emotionless voice I could muster, looking him straight in the eyes, meanwhile sitting up on the bed. 

Despite this, I still felt guilty. I didn't want him to worry. But after amoment I reminded myself that this worry must be false. I don't know why he's pretending when no one'shere. Father clenched his fists and looked angry.

"So what? So what?! You could've died!" He snarled.

I wanted to ask him why he even saved me, but I didn't. Instead, I hung my head.

"I'm sorry" I muttered, but I wasn't in any way sorry. I didn't regret sneaking out. I would do it again.

Father calmed down after a few seconds and sat down next to me. Apparently, he didn't know what tosay, counting on me to start the conversation. But I had no intention to do so, so for about fifteen minuteswe sat in absolute silence. Even though Father didn't know what to say, he began patting me on thehead. I was filled with a weird sense of happiness. It was always like that when he gave me some positive attention. Maybe this time his worry is genuine and he's not pretending? I don't want to get myhopes up, but...

Honestly, these were the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I tried to stifle my coughing that tried to get out, at the same time trying to not look at my father, who was piercing me with his eyes as if he wantedto crucify me. It was really weird, for his eyes were sharp, but actions gentle. Thanks to the petting I relaxed immensly and I didn't want to cough as much. After those fifteen minutes, Doctor Owen came in.

"Hello, Asta-san. I'm glad you woke up. How are you feeling?" The man asked.

"Goo..." I got a coughing fit so bad, that any attempts at stopping it didn't help. I covered my mouth withmy hands and felt someone patting me on the back.

"What's happening?" Asked Nozel angry.

"Hm... Did you give Asta some water when he woke up?"


"So, probably he just has a dry throat, and broken ribs cause pain when coughing"

"Oh..."After a while the coughing stopped, and father gave me a glass of water, which I drank in one breath. My throat finally stopped burning and the urge to cough stopped. I nodded in thanks.

"Are you feeling better now?" Owen asked, and I nodded. "Alright. Now I have to give you antibiotics andgive you a checkup."

"How long will this take?" Nozel asked. 

"About an hour"

"In that case, I will return in an hour" He stood up and left, and I sighed with relief.

"Oh, Asta-kun. Only you are able to get hurt so quickly and so seriously in such a short amount of time"

Owen shook his head with resignation.

"I'm sorry" I said, this time with real regret. The doctor was always nice to me and I didn't like giving him more work.

"Don't worry about it. Now, take these antibiotics" He gave me pills.

I winced. I hate swallowing pills. Ew. But I gave in and quickly washed them down with water.

"Now, could you explain to me what happened, and who's under your bed?"


I publish it also on Ao3, there propably chapter will be earlier, because sometimes i forgot to publish here 😅

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