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Hmmm... Hey, soooooooooooooo welp I am back from a very annoyingly easy english exam. So so so bye you can continue



"I am going to take my horse to the old time road I am to ride till I can't no more-" I was singing (wrong lyrics of a song)till I spotted a white snake.

"Omg, Your so cute!" I cooed till I saw the time in my phone. Yes, you are write I have phone well only for myself .

"Fuge stickes, the exam is going to start! " I continued "sorry fella, gotta go. "

I just teleported easy.

I was outside the number getting place?.

Okay what ever

I have putted my mana restricting bracelet, necklace and ring.

My necklace has a Yin and Yang logo , my bracelet has a tree and ring has a 6 clover . I will use Yin and Yang as it is the most normal one. In my tree bracelet it will hold my other girimoir which holds all the 4 elements. In the 6 clover it will hold my infinity girimoir.

With all these all I have is my 5% of mana but I think it would be enough.

"Ummm.... Okay next" The person who was giving the number said. I walked in front of him showing him ny girimoir. " 'Gasp' t-the y-yin and y-yang g-g-irim-" The person stammers

"Please just give my number. "

"Yes, it is 136"

I entered the building(?)

I found a pillar which looked oddly comfortable. You know shade in a hot day.

I sat under the pillar which had shade, closing my eyes in the process cuz I was feeling very sleepy .

No ones POV

"Omg, look that girl has no birds"

"I know right I think we probably shouldn't mess with her"

There were a lot of whispers about Y/N but the she paid no attention whatsoever.

*fire crackers voice*

Beach, what the pluck I got a heart attack.

"Wellcome to the magic night exam"


To be continued

The princess(Black cloverx F!reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt