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OK, I am very sorry like very much I know I haven't uploaded it in a whole month I am sorry but I had my exam and in fact that it is still not over yet I will be taking 2 weeks break but I will be back soon. Moving on let's continue our story.


3rd person POV

Ever since Y/N got crowned as the emperor and the queen she had a lot of work to do everyday. At first many of her relatives tried to take over the throne but couldn't as she had the support of the people of the kingdom.

Y/N was very strong , she got her girimoir or should I say girimoirs. Now if you think that ohh great she is over powered like always then honey I will say to you that you are wrong like completely wrong. Y/N practices daily each day increasing the time she started of with nothing no one to help her so she had to do alot of work each day she disguise's herself and goes out to get some experience. So by she was 15 she mastered all the magic and evne created her own from animes she watched on her previous life like, My hero academia

~~a totally meaning less time skip to when you were 15 years old~~

3rd POV

"Gosh, I feel like I am in a cycle you know , Yin? " Y/N asked her familiar more like a buddy.

Yin was a wolf not a simple one actually the alphas alpha with black fur darker than the darkest night. Red eyes which could Pierce through a soul.

"Huh sure" Yin replied sleeping not even opening his eyes.

"Man, why do I feel like I am being ignored" A beautiful white fur wolf with Ice blue eyes said with a sad look.

"Aww my baby come here" Y/N continued "no one can ignore someone as beautiful as you Yang, Okay? " Y/N explained as she was petting the the white fur

"Omo, I got a perfect idea of not getting myself bored! "

Ohh noo she is definitely going to do something dangerous both Yin and Yang thought.

-a mini time skip as your author is lazybones-

"Uhgg, fine young miss you can go but what about the border of the kingdome joker because If i am not wrong people all over the empire has got to know that there is a very rich kingdome called Joker so it will be very Risky" Said Anne who was the closest to Y/N in the current time. Anne is a butler. I know I might sound weird that it is a girl butler but she is not the one to be looked down upon.

"Mmmm, don't worry I have putted a magic barrier that won't allow anyone to enter the territory okay now I will be going! " Y/N replied in a cheerful voice.

Anne signs "Yes, please come back alive. "

"Gosh your making it sound like I am going to a war. Any how bye. " That's the last thing Y/N says before teleporting to the forest were she has to walk to reach the exam entrance hall.

{Okay now I will give a little reminder that(1) I am not going to follow the main plot line probably sometimes I will but I don't really think I will (2) the exam will take place when the fight with the demon is over the elf is on their side and for fighting the diamond kingdome and spade kingdome they have hosted a entrance exam
How you look by the way in disguise:} Edit: no no no I have decided one thing I am going to do this from the beginning.

You have this form while taking the exam and it'll you reveal it so that's all for now I will write another part Very soon so meet you at the other part, cya!

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You have this form while taking the exam and it'll you reveal it so that's all for now I will write another part Very soon so meet you at the other part, cya!

-Roselle 🌹

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