Chapter 7 Sea Mistress

Start from the beginning

I looked at him and smiled. “An apple would be nice. Do you have any?”

He nodded saying, “I will be right back, I will.”

I turned my gaze back to the sea, wondering how much more time this doomed ship has left. It seems to be taking longer this time than usual.

John returned with my apple along with a broad grin upon his face. “Here you are, Miss.”

I thanked him taking the delicious juicy apple. At that moment, I felt a jerk from bellow. It’s here.

“What was that?” John exclaimed immediately rising to his feet. “Did you feel it?”

After the next jolt, the whole crew shared the same panic. Billy rushed out, glaring at me.

“This began once we brought her on board!” Billy declared, pointing his finger at me.

John immediately stood up in my defense. “You cannot blame her, Billy. How could she have possibly caused this?”

Billy, not taking his eyes off me, demanded, “Who are you?”

“Aurora Barbossa,” I answered standing up straight, taking another bite of my apple.

“Barbossa,” John repeated clearly horrified. “The Black Pearl. He’s the… the…”

“The man so evil Hell itself spattered back out,” I finished for him, sneering. “Yes, that man is my father.”

“So you are from the Black Pearl?” John squeaked nervously backing away from me.

I inched closer to him causing him more panic. “Oh, no. Where I come from is much worse than that.”

At that very moment the Kraken’s tentacles burst out from the waters smashing violently on the ship. The sailors began to panic and scurry like mice desperate to escape their predator.

“You are Her, are you not?” John panted, crawling over to me. “The one they see before… before this. You are the Sea Mistress.”

I grinned as I bent over, gently brushing his cheek. “Right you are. But not to worry. When the time comes, you will have your chance to postpone the judgment of the afterlife.”

Before he could say anything more, the Kraken snatched him up thrashing him across the ship.

As soon as the attack was finished, the Dutchman’s crew came to gather the survivors on my orders to await Davy Jones. As they sat crouched, their entire bodies shook vigorously. I spotted both John and Billy among them.

Slowly yet dramatically, Davy Jones came out to increase these poor souls’ torment as he prepared the same speech I have heard many times in the past. I looked each man in the eye trying to predict who may join. John seemed to be a fairly likely candidate. Billy on the other hand, did not seem so eager as he kept exchanging glares between John and me as he attempted to conceal his fear.

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